Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a very powerful and uplifting speech to our members of Congress on Wednesday about democracy and evil in the world (“Forceful Netanyahu tells Congress he will defeat Hamas, free hostages, defy critics,” web, July 24). He provided reasons why we must support Israel, not Iran.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser let radical pro-Hamas demonstrators run wild in the streets of our capital. The protesters were defacing monuments and tearing down and burning our American flag, then replacing it with the Palestinian flag.

U.S. Capitol Police noted that part of the crowd became violent and failed to obey orders. Officers deployed pepper spray, and social media videos show clashes between officers and agitators. The latter were heard chanting “Allahu akbar” (“God is great”). How many of these individuals were arrested?

Ms. Bowser should resign for failing to protect our nation’s capital against these radical terrorist supporters. This type of violence and behavior — especially burning our American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag — are unacceptable. Will any of these people be held accountable and go to jail? They need to be hunted down by the FBI and D.C. police and deported or jailed. If they can do it to the Jan. 6 protesters, why not these radical, violent individuals?

When Donald Trump is elected in November, I hope he uses his federal power to replace Ms. Bowser so the rule of law is restored. Our capital must be secure and free of these types of protesters. The Democrats are for violence, not the rule of law or democracy.


Machipongo, Virginia 

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