Our government was established with three branches so it could be regulated via “checks and balances,” with the aim of preventing abuse of power by any branch (“‘Big win’: Trump claims victory in Supreme Court’s immunity ruling,” web, July 1). The legislative branch makes the laws, the judicial branch ensures the laws are properly followed and interpreted, and the executive branch leads the nation forward, recognizing respect for the law.

If Donald Trump did anything egregiously wrong as president, the legislative branch would enact impeachment proceedings to rectify the error and successfully prosecute him. Yet thus far, despite two Democratic-led impeachment proceedings against him, Mr. Trump was never found guilty of any wrongdoing. Despite this, the Democrats continue their desperate and costly efforts to harass and prevent him from campaigning by continuing to dredge up old allegations against him, with the ultimate aim of preventing him from winning in November. In the process, they are destroying and making a mockery of our judicial system. 

I’m glad that the Supreme Court has ruled on this matter and expressed the opinion that, at least for official actions, the president is immune from arbitrary lawsuits from third-rate, politically motivated lower court prosecutors and district attorneys.


Henderson, Nevada 

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