- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 18, 2024

MILWAUKEE — As a stark reminder of the difference between Donald Trump’s White House and Joe Biden’s administration, Mike Pompeo, former CIA director and Secretary of State said from the stage of the Republican National Convention that under the former MAGA leader “there were no new wars,” “the Iranian regime was afraid,” and “the people of Israel were strong and secure” — while under the second, the present day puppet presidency, it’s been quite the opposite.

Oh, how true. When America’s strong, the world’s at relative peace. When Biden’s in the White House, the world’s in chaos and America’s allies walk on eggshells.

And America’s enemies cheer.

In bullet point fashion, Pompeo listed the pros of the past Trump presidency: “There were no new American wars,” he said. “Our southern border — closed,” he said. “We destroyed ISIS and its caliphate,” he said. “The evil of Vladimir Putin was held at bay,” he said. “The Iranian regime was afraid the people of Israel were strong and secure,” he said. Then he went on to the cons of the present-day presidency: “[On] Gaza — Biden won’t even talk about the fact Americans are still being held there by the Iranian regime,” he said. “We gave money to the ayatollah [under Biden],” he said. “To this day … [Biden] and Harris are providing appeasement to the pro-Hamas radicals on our streets,” he said.

How true.

The world under Biden has become one where evil is emboldened to leave the dark shadows and sow wickedness in the light of day.

Russia has advanced on Ukraine. Iran has funded operations against Israel through Hamas then Hezbollah. Afghanistan has fallen to tyrannical Taliban control.

Biden sold out our citizens and security and our sovereignty,” Pompeo said.

“We can’t trust the Biden administration,” Pompeo said.

He’s not the only one who feels that way.

Speaking a week before the Republican convention on the views from Israeli political and military leaders of the potential of a Biden win, versus a Trump win, this November, Lt. Gen. Charles Moore, U.S. Air Force, retired, said in an email: “When it comes to Israel’s security and U.S. interests in the Middle East, both nations benefit the most when their policies, strategies and actions are tightly aligned. United between the U.S. and Israel poses a significant challenge to Iran … The last thing Iran wants is for the next U.S. administration to reinforce the sanctions that crippled its economy in 2018, [to] reaffirm its ironclad commitment to Israel’s defense, and [to] hold Iran fully accountable for the violence it funds and directs in the Middle East.”

That’s code for Trump is better for Israel — and not only Israel knows it, but Iran does, as well.

The Biden administration has been on an all-courts-press to forge a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian people in Gaza — which is to say, to forge a peace plan where the Jewish people have to lay down arms and trust that Hamas won’t try to wipe them off the face the earth, despite the fact the terrorists of Hamas have vowed to wipe them off the face of the earth. Doesn’t seem sensible; doesn’t make sense. How to coexist with those who want to eradicate you and and your state? But this is what Team Biden has been pushing.

This is what Team Biden and the White House’s partners in ideology and not-so-secret supporters of anti-semitic terrorist groups at the global levels of government have been pushing since Israel started winning its defensive counterattack against Hamas; since shortly after Hamas murdered and abducted and wounded and raped hundreds of Jewish innocents on October 7, 2023.

A two-state solution between those who value life and those who want to kill, kill, kill is not only impossible. It’s stupid. It’s stupid and it’s suicidal to suggest Israel must cry peace, peace, peace when Israel’s enemy is continuing to cry, “Death to Israel.”

Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies. 

The chant from the evil doers is “Death to Israel, death to America, death to the West.” It won’t stop at Israel’s borders.

“Knesset votes 68-9 for resolution against Palestinian state,” JNS.org just reported.

Israel knows it cannot live alongside murderers and expect safety and security in return.

And Americans aren’t the only ones who see this election as crucial for the fate of freedom and security and peace for all.

Israel could and would not refrain from seeking out and destroying Hamas in Rafah … despite pressure from the White House. …Israel will do what it has to — with or without U.S. backing — to restore its security in the north [against Hezbollah} and [to] prevent a nuclear Iran,” said Blaise Misztal, vice president for policy at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, in an emailed statement before the start of the Republican convention. 

But — but. 

But, he acknowledged, there is a presidential candidate who is better for Israel — and it ain’t Biden. This looming U.S. election could very well be impacting how Israel conducts its larger scale war against terror groups in the region.

“[I]f conditions allow it, surely Israel would prefer to wait and see if a more interests-driven U.S. foreign policy, and with it full-throated U.S. political and military support, returns following the November election,” Misztal said.

He meant Trump, of course.

America waits.

Israel waits.

The world waits.

And so, too, do the terrorists.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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