- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MILWAUKEE — Day Two of the Republican National Convention is branded as a “Make America Safe Again” theme, and against a backdrop of an assassination attempt against Donald Trump, along with three-plus years of record-level flows of illegals across the border — thanks, Joe Biden — there really is no better message the GOP can bring.

Trump and his bandaged ear is the picture that is worth 1,000 words. Trump and his rise from the podium, fist in the air, flag in the background, blood on his face — that’s the picture that’s worth 10,000 words. Taken together, they say: The lunatic lawlessness in America must stop, and Trump is the strong leader who can lead that charge.

Fact is, Americans of all political walks are tired of the crime in their communities; the taxpayer handouts for illegals. They’re tired of the higher prices on food, on gas, on housing — higher prices that can be tied back to the cheap labor that’s been bused across the border by this Biden administration. They’re tired of the deaths and injuries of citizens at the hands of illegals; these are the crimes that never would have been if only Biden and his open border-loving Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, weren’t so in love with opening borders.

They’re tired of not just the failed policies of this administration to uphold law and order, but rather the purposely and strategically enacted failed policies of this administration to uphold law and order. There’s no other conclusion that makes sense: If the intent of a White House administration were to destroy America, then Team Biden’s doing everything right. 

“Truly Wretched Border Stats,” the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, wrote in one partial headline in October of 2023.

“Biden’s schemes are degrading border security, as Border Patrol nabs nearly 219K in September and total FY23 SW Border encounters set new record,” CIS also wrote.

Schemes is the right word.

This can’t be by accident.

“Migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border hit a record high at the end of 2023,” Pew Research wrote in February.

CBS News wrote that same month, “Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing from Mexico into U.S. at southern border.” The New York Post wrote in March, “Senior MS-13 gang leader arrested on southern border.” NBC News wrote in June, “DHS has identified over 400 immigrants from Central Asia and elsewhere brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network.”

Snapshot, meet America.

This is a tiny, teeny, bitty glimpse of what’s been taking place at the border under Biden’s watch.

And these are the resulting headlines of this glimpse: “Illegal immigrant deported three times charged in arson fire that killed mom, two kids” — from the Post this week. 

“Suspect in New Orleans tour guide murder in US illegally, has criminal history” — from Fox News a few days ago. 

“Death of 12-year-old girl in Texas fuels Trump-Biden debate on immigration” — from NBC News a few weeks ago. Why did it fuel such a debate? As NBC also noted, “The suspect charged with [the girl’s] murder crossed the border illegally this year and was released into the U.S. by Border Patrol.”

And this, just a month ago: “Illegal immigrant charged in killing of Hartford County mother Rachel Morin” — yet another sad and sorry headline, this time from Fox 5 News.

If Democrats wanted to stop these senseless acts of violence and murder, they could easily do so by clamping the border.

If Democrats cared about these crimes by illegals, they could easily put a halt to them — by clamping the border.

The fact they haven’t — the fact they won’t — the fact they actually defend their refusals to do so as some sort of proper policy and political action — only shows the utter disregard Democrats as a party, and this White House administration specifically, have for law, for order, for the Constitution, for the American people.

These deaths are collateral damages to Democrats, who push the globalist agenda of open borders — nay, no borders — as a means of ushering in the next great reset phase; the one that will see sovereign governments collapse and national currencies fade and redistributions of wealth and resources from the haves to the have-nots. America has been the stumbling block to this total top-down government design for years. Biden, however, has proven the golden egg to globalists who are rapidly dismantling all that’s exceptional about America. His term is coming to an end, however — and that has the anti-America crowd in quite a fix.

Trump isn’t just the Make America Great Again president.

He’s the one who will turn back the lawlessness and bring back the order.

“Trump vows to deport millions,” The Associated Press wrote in a January headline.

“Trump Again Vows Mass Deportations,” The New York Times wrote in an April headline.

“Trump again vows to deport millions of migrants,” ABC News wrote in a May headline.

America’s future freedoms rely on Trump holding true to that promise. What has Democrats, leftists, globalists and the collectivist visionaries in their bureaucratic camps riled is they believe he will do it.

“Voters see Trump as more effective on border: Poll,” The Hill wrote in May.

“Immigration is a top election issue,” Arizona Republic wrote this week.

The writing’s on the wall. Americans want controls at the border; they want senseless crimes by illegals curtailed; they want to feel safe in their communities once again. And they believe Trump is the leader to bring back the law and order.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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