- Monday, July 15, 2024

As conservative evangelicals, we stand at a critical juncture in our nation’s history, confronted by an aggressive push from secular, “woke” ideologies championed by President Biden and his administration. This battle is not just cultural; it’s a fundamental struggle for the soul of America, deeply rooted in spiritual warfare.

The election ahead is more than a political contest; it is our opportunity to affirm our commitment to our nation’s Judeo-Christian values.

Under former President Donald Trump’s administration, his dedication to these values was unmistakably demonstrated through his appointment of conservative judges to the federal bench. While their record has not been perfect, it has clearly been superior to that of any previous era of GOP judicial appointments.

For example, we have seen Mr. Trump’s Supreme Court picks fulfill his 2016 campaign promise to overturn Roe v. Wade and do more to unravel the swamp and its administrative state of faceless bureaucrats than anything else Republicans have attempted in a generation. We also just saw the reworked 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which was notoriously liberal for decades until Mr. Trump overhauled its roster of judges with his appointments, striking the mightiest blow yet against continuing to shield Pfizer from accountability for its failed toxic genetic serum.

These appointments have had a profound impact in fortifying the ranks of the judicial system with strong defenders of religious liberty, pro-life principles and the foundational values of our Constitution. Mr. Trump’s commitment to these judicial appointments was a watershed in our fight to preserve Christian values across all facets of American life.

In contrast, the Biden administration has rapidly moved in a direction threatening to erode these gains. Policies under Mr. Biden have not only supported but institutionalized secular curricula in schools, expanded access to state-sanctioned infanticide, protected fraudulent corporations from their consumers and undermined religious liberties under the guise of progressive reform. This affront to our spiritual and cultural fabric requires a united and robust evangelical response.

As we mobilize for the upcoming elections, our strategy must be clear and assertive. Churches and community groups must transform into centers of evangelical activism, educating and equipping members to take a stand in this cultural and spiritual battle. Voter registration drives, engagement in school boards and advocacy for educational reform must be pursued with vigor and strategic planning. The same spirit of liberty that inspired the Pligrims to hop aboard the Mayflower for a dangerous trip across the sea, and 13 colonies that each had ties to some vestige of the Christian church to pledge their lives, fortunes and honor must be renewed again if we are to preserve this last, best hope for humanity east of Eden.

Mr. Trump’s track record of appointing strong, conservative judicial candidates underscores his alignment with evangelical values. His vision to “make America great again” is not just a political slogan but a call to restore America’s Christian heritage since its greatness came from the Christian faith that inspired her. He will end diversity, equity and inclusion policies. He will make sure that we put America first. He will end atheism as a state-run religion. He will protect those who still believe in faith, family and freedom. For evangelicals, his administration stands as the only viable option for those of us who value religious freedom and the sanctity of life.

As the elections approach, we must not be complacent. We are called to act decisively, uniting under Mr. Trump’s leadership to oppose Mr. Biden and the progressive left. By reinstating a leader who champions our Christian way of life and continues to support judicial appointments that protect our most sacred values, we can ensure that America remains faithful to its divine foundations. Let this be our call to arms: to mobilize effectively, ensure our voices are heard and secure a future that reflects our deepest convictions and Christian heritage.

• Ryan Walters is Oklahoma’s state superintendent of public instruction, David Barton is the founder of WallBuilders and Steve Deace is an author and host of “The Steve Deace Show.”

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