- The Washington Times - Monday, July 15, 2024

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A Chinese state-linked media outlet reported Monday that the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is an example of escalating political violence under the U.S. democratic system — a major propaganda theme of Beijing as it promotes its socialist system as an alternative.

The Chinese Communist Party-affiliated Global Times quoted Chinese analysts who argued that the shooting Saturday at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania that nearly killed the former president is part of a pattern of escalating violence, demonstrating, according to the article that “the long-standing toxic and violent rhetoric in U.S. politics has escalated into violent actions against politicians in recent years.”

At the Chinese Foreign Ministry, a spokesman said on Sunday that China was following the incident in Pennsylvania, and that Chinese President Xi Jinping had “expressed sympathies” to Mr. Trump. A spokesman on Monday declined to say how the message from Mr. Xi was conveyed.

The Global Times, known for its hard-line, nationalist anti-U.S. editorial line, stated that “such violence is likely to become more frequent as the country is further polarized.”

The report, in an apparent bid to sow discord between the United States and its allies, then quoted “experts” at official state institutions who said the shooting exposed what it called a “high degree of instability and unpredictability of U.S. politics.” The instability is “further triggering doubts among [U.S.] allies over Washington’s leadership,” the report stated.

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences instructor Lu Xiang told the news outlet that “toxic” U.S. politics is escalating to violence against politicians.

“Although this [attack] was at the presidential candidate level, the pressure is mounting on those who engage in U.S. political elections, as their security is weak until they got nominated,” this expert said.

Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, said the incident was just the latest warning to U.S. allies that American politics is highly unpredictable and uncertain.

“How can one expect such an uncertain country to show stability in dealing with relations with allies? … The shooting will certainly trigger more suspicions over U.S. leadership among its allies,” Mr. Li stated.

China has sought to sow divisions among U.S. allies even as the Biden administration has stepped up efforts to counter Chinese aggression in the region.

The Chinese government has accused the United States of introducing the COVID-19 virus into China and of provoking the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Despite extensive economic and trade ties between China and the United States, Chinese propaganda regularly denounces the United States for “global hegemony.”

Chinese propaganda also frequently accuses the United States of seeking to undermine its socialist system through so-called “color revolutions” fomented by CIA covert operations. Recent pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong were part of the campaign, Chinese leaders say.

In response to what U.S. officials say is China’s efforts to undermine the U.S.-led “rules-based international order, new U.S.-led quasi-alliances have been strengthened in the region.

They include “the Quad” nations of the United States, India, Australia and Japan; the AUKUS group of the United States, Britain and Australia, and a trilateral regional group linking the United States, Japan and South Korea.

The Global Times report reflects what a recent State Department report described as a large-scale effort by the Chinese government to use “a variety of deceptive and coercive methods as it attempts to influence the international information environment.”

“Beijing’s information manipulation spans the use of propaganda, disinformation, and censorship,” the report by the Global Engagement Center said in part. “The [People’s Republic of China] spends billions of dollars annually on foreign information manipulation efforts,” the report said noting that false and biased information is used to “to promote positive views of the PRC and the Chinese Communist Party.”

Chinese information manipulation utilize propaganda and censorship, advancing “digital authoritarianism,” the report said.

• Bill Gertz can be reached at bgertz@washingtontimes.com.

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