- The Washington Times - Friday, July 12, 2024

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Ron Klain, former White House chief of staff, said of his ex-boss, Joe Biden, that the president will have a “better second debate” against Donald Trump. And all the watching world goes: Wait — what? Biden’s going to have a second debate?

Well, as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Biden, barely alive as it is, will at least give the reality TV addicts a reason to tune in; given his health, it’s a 50-50 tossup whether he emerges stronger — or not at all.

“Sometimes presidents have bad debates,” Klain said, on “Morning Joe,” The Hill reported.

Yes, indeed they do.

But there’s bad. Then there’s Biden bad. The two are universes apart. While “bad debate” might be used to describe candidates who stumble over their words, forget their facts or simply sweat to the point of appearing unconfident and weak, “Biden bad” is reserved for candidates who are one step shy of peeing their big boy pants — and not even noticing.

That’s Biden.

That’s Biden so much that even his own fawners in the media ran damage control, post-debate, by announcing he was going to hold a “big boy” press conference — as if that’s something to brag about; as if that’s an achievement of sorts.

Biden’s ‘big boy’ press conference may not quiet the doubters,” Politico wisely wrote in a headline. This is true. The president of the United States shouldn’t be taking off his poopy pants and putting on his big boy pair so much as telling China to get bent and Iran to get bent-er. Is it too much to ask that it be presumed the most powerful man in the world wears big boy pants? Does that have to be cause for accolades?

The leadership bar for Biden has sunk so low. That’s because the media in America has sunk even lower.

“Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin” — Biden said, while introducing Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President did I think she was not qualified to be president” — Biden said, mixing up Trump with Kamala Harris and misgendering him, to boot. Whatever. Whomever. The real problem here isn’t so much the brain dead Biden. America, after all, has been living with this mentally unfit man as commander-in-chief since Day One in the White House. He’s not performed differently in the past few pressers than he’s performed since his beginning days as president.

The real problem here is the press.

The bigger issue here is the lying, deceiving, propaganda-driving Marxists and communists in the media who’ve been running cover for this brain dead president from the beginning, and who now are primarily focused on gaslighting the American public about their purposeful coverups of Biden’s mental heath. They act as if they’re revealing something we don’t know, and hope we don’t do the two seconds’ due diligence work it will take to pull up one of their thousands of stories over the past four years that called critics of Biden’s mental competency levels a right-wing conspiracy theory — a “cheap fake video,” as Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre might put it. Err, wait, make that as Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did put it.

These media deceptions and coverups haven’t come by accident, or even by some form of courtesy, misplaced as it is, to protect the office of the president of the United States. They’re strategic, anti-American and aimed at destroying this nation. For instance?

“China Daily, a Chinese Communist Party propaganda publication that caters to English speakers, has actively worked with U.S. news outlets in spreading the party’s lies,” Sen. Marco Rubio’s website reported in March. 

The nine American media companies cited by Rubio and fellow Republican senator, Chuck Grassley, as taking money from the CCP were The Seattle Times, the Houston Chronicle, TIME, The Boston Globe, the Financial Times, USA Today, the Sun Sentinel, the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune.

“Several years ago, China Daily’s propaganda efforts made headlines when Foreign Agents Registration Act filings revealed that, in addition to repeatedly violating FARA reporting requirements, U.S. media outlets were accepting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars from the outlet [China Daily],” Rubio’s site reported

Rubio and Grassley wrote letters to the newspapers requesting they stop taking money from the CCP. Seems a reasonable request.

And some did; some complied.

But for every one admitted instance of anti-American bias by the press, there are 1,000 denials of bias. A single USA Today story supporting a communist, anti-capitalist, collectivist ideal can turn into a dozen offshoot stories by fellow journalists for their respective news outlets; into a hundred citations and references in long-form journalism projects, documentaries, books and the likes; into thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of mentions and shares on social media. In today’s fast moving, fast multiplying media world, truth is oftentimes tough to gauge — and more to truth, the watchdogs are more often motivated by eyeball hits, shares, likes and, ultimately, money, than about telling the facts the public needs to make informed decisions. That, in a nutshell, is how America got handed a Joe Biden.

The media years ago sold a fabricated version of Biden to a largely Democrat voting base filled with low information types who cared little about his ability to lead and only that he wasn’t Trump.

The members of the media who partook in this lie did so because they themselves are part of that leftist wing in America that has come to self-identify more with communist principles than Judeo-Christian ideals that keep this country free. This is the danger the American people face.

Biden has been Biden all along. He’s been brain damaged; he’s been corrupt; he’s been incompetent.

It’s the members of the media who’ve proven the bigger problem and the greater evil.

Take note of all those expressing shock and awe at Biden’s condition now. They are the liars. They are the deceivers. They are the propaganda pushers. They are the “fake news,” as Trump has oh-so-many times mentioned. Their outlets should be shunned and bankrupted. Their journalists should be shamed and fired. Their press credentials should be canceled and shredded.

They are truly the enemy of the patriotic people and Americans, post-Biden administration, can not afford to forget.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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