- The Washington Times - Monday, July 1, 2024

As post-debate shockwaves continue to strike Democrat Party and donor circles, calls grow for the ailing, flailing, failing President Biden to step aside — but he does still have some defenders.

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former friend of Melania Trump’s, blamed Biden’s poor performance on “FRAMING & LIGHTING,” she wrote on X.

That’s an interesting concept.

It used to be cameras added 10 pounds. Apparently, they now cause brain damage.

Her full social media post: “NO ONE HAD TO SAY A WORD. CNN’s carefully considered FRAMING & LIGHTING design effectively conveyed the intended perceptions of fragility vs. dominance in visual composition. Biden was filmed in profile, looking pale as a ghost.”

The implied logic here is that had Biden only had better camera coverage, he wouldn’t have trailed his sentences into never-never land; he wouldn’t have smiled that ghastly Cheshire Cat smile — the stuff of children’s nightmares; he wouldn’t have floated his eyes all over the stage as if he were trying to find that thought, the thought he had just been thinking — or did he? He wouldn’t have looked as the brain-dead, weak-kneed, Alzheimer patient that he looked. Come on, now. He looked like the old guy who just broke free from his nurse at the assisted living facility and then forgot why he was fleeing.

To blame that on bad camera angles and poor lighting is to be one step away from the same affliction Biden suffers.

Donald Trump thinks so, too.

After Wolkoff’s post, Trump wrote on Truth Social: “Wolkoff, a total airhead who was dumped by Melania years ago for being a publicity seeking airhead who added nothin, had a love affair with the Fake News, and was a boring, small-time loser, now gets into the news again by blaming Crooked Joe Biden’s absolutely dismal debate performance on ‘lighting’ (that’s a new one!) and the angle of the podium, which he chose.”

There’s more.

“No, Biden, the worst president in the history of our country,” Trump continued, “lost because I beat him, he is not good on the big stage, and he CHOKED!!! Stephanie should start getting her sad life together, perhaps by working for Crooked Joe after he leaves the White House and our country begins to recover from the tremendous damage he has caused.”

Wolkoff isn’t the only Biden holdout.

“Mika Brzezinski calls for staffing changes, better handling of Biden’s age,” The Hill wrote in one headline, of the “Morning Joe” cohost.

And this, also from The Hill, about Sen. Chris Coons: “Key Senate Democrat urging more ‘unscripted’ moments for Biden.” ‘Cause nobody does off-the-cuff better than Biden, according to Coons.

Lighting. Camera angles. Staffers. Scripting. What’s next? He had a cold? Oh wait, been there, done that. That was the word from the White House as an excuse for his daft ways. Democrats, gotta give ‘em this, never quit.

“Senate Democrats circle wagons around Biden,” The Hill wrote, in yet another headline.

That doesn’t even get to the shameful and embarrassing Biden-fawning of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre — or to the even more shameful behavior of first lady Jill Biden, who seems bent on keeping her husband in the running, no matter how many medical cocktails he needs to prop his body upright.

“There Are ‘No Conversations’ About Replacing Biden, Campaign Official Says,” The New York Times wrote a couple days ago, after the debate.

It’s amazing how tightly Democrats will embrace their delusions in order to maintain power. 

Biden is an old man who belongs in a wheelchair by the fireplace, with nurses with needles standing at the ready. He’s not presidential. He hasn’t been presidential since Day One as a president. And that’s not due to camera angles and lighting.

It’s because he’s nearly brain-dead — and because even if he weren’t, he’s a leftist puppet for the globalists with a long, very long congressional and political record of legislative failures and policy disasters. That is to say, even Biden with full brain capacity would be a terrible commander-in-chief for America.

The time for him to fly was when he was still in the Senate.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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