President Biden recently gave his kickoff 2024 reelection-campaign speech mere miles from Valley Forge (“Biden’s first campaign speech makes 2024 all about Trump,” web, Jan. 5).

The speech was nothing more than a diatribe against Donald Trump.

No presidential candidate has ever used Valley Forge — the site of the Continental Army’s arduous 1777-1778 winter encampment — as the backdrop for the launch of their campaign.

Valley Forge National Historical Park has always been unofficially off-limits for this purpose. Using the park, which is hallowed American ground, for such a nasty political assault is just wrong.

Mr. Biden’s attack on Mr. Trump and his abuse of a sacred historical site are a clear reflection of the man’s incompetence and
desperation. Mr. Biden did not attend 9/11 memorials this past year, and he is increasingly twisting the institutions of government to serve his own partisan positions. 

This move also reveals that Mr. Biden and the other leftist elites recognize no boundaries in their quest for power and control.


Wayne, Pennsylvania

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