- The Washington Times - Monday, January 8, 2024

Barack Obama reportedly told Joe Biden at a White House luncheon in December that he’s concerned the Democrat’s presidential campaign isn’t going so well. Michelle Obama took it a step further this month and told a podcaster she was “terrified about what could possibly happen” this election season — meaning, of course, another Trump win.

Democrats. They’re the ones to fear. They’re the Marxists who are actively trying to destroy America and American principles. 

Whenever a Democrat hates and fears and despises a Republican, consider that a sort of marker to vote for that Republican. That’s a sure sign the Republican is standing tall for America and standing strong against globalism. It’s the Republicans who don’t incur the ire of Democrats that conservatives need to vet most.

But back to the Obamas: “[Barack] Obama reportedly told Biden … at a lunch at the White House in December,” The Hill wrote, “that it’s important to have more top-level decision makers in the campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Del., or that he needs to empower those already there.” Why?

Read the tea leaves.

Biden’s a disaster.

It’s going to take some star-power might to get him across the finish line — and more to truth, to get him to the point where he can physically stand on his own at the start of the race. And even that star power might not prove enough; it all depends on the doctors’ abilities to pen the proper prescriptions in the proper amounts. Go, Team Biden.

Polls have shown consistently Biden’s a downer with voters, even with the young and dumb, a key block that helped elected him in the first place. Bidenomics has given them the education they needed and they’re ready, to abandon Biden’s ship.

No wonder Michelle’s “terrified.”

From The Hill, about her interview with Jay Shetty for the “On Purpose” podcast: “I am terrified about what could possibly happen. … Because our leaders matter. … The tone and tenor of the message matters. We can’t just say the first thing that comes to our minds,” she said.

Like: “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country” — a phrase she uttered during her husband’s former campaign?

The Obamas have a good reason to fear Donald Trump; they have a good reason to fear the Make America Great Again and America First batch of deplorables — as Hillary Clinton termed them — who support Donald Trump. It’s a good reason that goes like this: Americans are sick and tired of living under Democrat leadership. Polls show that people who were reliably Democrat voters, including minorities and youth, are turning away from the party’s policies and politics because they’re finding they don’t bring success and prosperity.

Division and discord are Democrats’ tools to power.

Self-reliance and American Exceptionalism are Donald Trump’s talking points.

After three years of Biden, it’s not just the Obamas who should be “terrified” of 2024. It’s the entire Democrat Party.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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