- The Washington Times - Friday, January 5, 2024

Donald Trump, despite legal woes drummed by the Democrats, leads in polls for president. The Democrats and Republicans who are really globalists in disguise are frustrated beyond all imagination. They fear a second Trump presidency. So they’re pulling out all stops to make sure he doesn’t stand a chance come 2024. Once again, evangelicals are to blame.

“Trump’s evangelical voters remain loyal as he violates the Ten Commandments,” a headline in The Hill from an opinion contributor states.

File that under Stupidest Headline Ever.

No human is without sin. That’s obvious. But Trump haters — Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers — have a special hatred for evangelicals who continue to support Trump. They don’t understand followers of Jesus, so they attack what they do not know — or maybe, worse, they do understand followers of Jesus, but try nonetheless to use the Bible and exploit biblical teachings for political gain. Of the two, the second is the greater evil.

“Evangelical voters are a valued part of Trump’s movement,” the author, a former Sen. John McCain and George W. Bush supporter, writes in The Hill. “In 2020, 84 percent of white evangelicals supported him, compared to 77 percent in 2016, according to Pew Research.”

Yes. And that drives the liberals and RINOs crazy.

Here’s why Christians support Trump: Because he puts America first. It’s really not a difficult concept to grasp; American evangelicals care about this country, care about the direction of this country’s culture, care about the economy of this country, care about the sovereignty and the preservation of Western values in this country, care about the fate of their children and their children’s abilities to, say, umm, for instance, get changed in dressing rooms in public schools without having leering and psychologically disturbed members of the opposite sex disrobing alongside them and pretending to be a gender called “they.”

Trump fought the good fight for a class of people whose voices, for far too long, had been heard during campaign season, then dismissed in the years that followed. Trump fought for border controls — the kind Democrats and Joe Biden have now decimated so as to allow scores of illegals, some with terrorist and criminal intents, into America; the kind Dems and Biden have opened wide so as to pave the way, using hard-working citizens’ tax dollars, for the next generation of Democrat voters to sleep comfortably in hotels in a city near you while awaiting their law enforcement jobs, their driver’s licenses, their mail-in ballots.

Trump defended Israel: moved the U.S. Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Trump defended America: made dang well sure the elitists in global and foreign governments knew the U.S. of A. was far from roll-over-dead and that under his watch, America, not China, was the real reckoning force. 

Now we’ve got a dolt in charge.

Now, under Biden, the White House is just a building from which to drape the rainbow flag.

The Hill piece goes on to run down the Ten Commandments and then explain how Trump has violated each and every one — save for Number 6; “Mike Pence was not hanged, so Trump gets a pass,” the writer writes.

And then comes this conclusion: “After holding Trump accountable against the Ten Commandments, evangelical voters must justify and rationalize the gap between God’s law and Trump’s mission to ‘make America great again,’” the writer writes.

It’s like this: Christians aren’t voting for God. They’re voting for a president; a politician; a representative of the country; a defender of the Constitution. If the standard for this vote required an individual who was innocent of violating any of the Ten Commandments — the office of the White House would remain empty forever.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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