There can be no peace in the Middle East until Iran is no longer a threat to Israel (“Seeking an Israeli surrender: Biden pushes a bad deal to end war with Hamas.” Web, Jan. 25). Yet the Biden administration continues to naively believe that with appeasement it can convince Iran to end its financing of terrorism. In effect, this policy is tantamount to sleeping with the enemy.

I take issue with the war Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu is conducting in Gaza, too. What Netanyahu should have done was destroy Iran’s oil fields using Israel’s tactical nuclear arsenal. Then Israel could demand that current Iranian “leadership” step down — or else. That is what is necessary to end Iran’s support of its proxies. And Israel could have handled Hamas more efficiently, with less loss of life.

Washington Times readers may find the idea of such an action appalling, but it would do the job. Instead, we are now simply waiting for Iran to become nuclear. The situation reminds me of the time when, in 1976, then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin hesitated to order a rescue mission of Israeli citizens in Entebbe, Uganda. His predecessor, Golda Meir, reportedly looked him in the eye and said that if he didn’t do it, he had no guts. He gave the order immediately — and the rescue was successful.

If Netanyahu is hesitant to order the destruction of Iran’s oil fields, he, too has no guts. The same can be said of Joe Biden. Nothing less will bring peace to the Middle East.


Richmond, Virginia 

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