I always enjoy Mr. Napolitano’s Commentary pieces, and that includes his recent “Government by experts: The monstrosity called the Chevron doctrine” (Web, Jan. 24), which addresses the interference that government regulations impose on personal freedom.

In the piece, Mr. Napolitano says that freedom is the default position — “everyone’s natural birthright” — and if our rights are inalienable under the Constitution, “the government must leave our freedoms alone.” But, as always, the devil is in the details. We continue to voluntarily sacrifice our freedoms, and usually it’s for good reason. The increasing complexity of everyday life demands that we give up some such freedoms. Where would we be without traffic lights, for example?

Of more concern may be people’s increasing willingness, as identity politics becomes more he norm, to give up freedoms in exchange for being part of the winning group.

Vienna, Virginia

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