Sadly, the entire 2024 primary and general election cycle will be yet another GOP waste of time unless Republican donors, candidates, pundits and voters begin focusing on and talking publicly about how to unite and defeat Hillary and Bill Clinton in 2024.

No, America; Barack Obama is not pulling President Biden’s puppet strings. And neither Hunter Biden nor Michelle Obama is running for president. But the Clintons are, right under everyone’s foolish noses (especially Ronna Romney McDaniel’s).

Wake up, GOP. Even Donald Trump himself is wasting time by not explaining to American patriots that no matter what new Russia collusion hoax, Jan. 6 sham or election-ballot removal ploy the relentless Clinton machine concocts, solicits and hurls at the Trump family, it’s actually the Clintons and their army of minions doing the surreptitious whispering and string-pulling.

Make no mistake, USA: The 2024 primary and general elections are 100% about defeating the Clinton news network, the Clinton “lawfare” and “voting system” apparatuses, and the globally and domestically weaponized Clinton intelligence agency and FBI.

Nikki Haley is a nice lady, but her donors’ platforms and cutesy Washington consultants are no match for what the Clinton global initiative has in store for her. Thankfully Ron DeSantis has come home to Florida where he belongs, to govern that red state’s dilapidated infrastructure, commercial insurance woes and paused economic progress.

Not to worry. Mr. DeSantis and Ms. Haley can both look forward to winning the White House someday — after eight long, painfully crooked Clinton years finally come to an end in 2035.


Palm Beach, Florida

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