- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A majority of voters participating in a new Rasmussen Reports survey agree that Barack Obama is the White House whisperer in Joe Biden’s ears, and that this administration doesn’t do much without getting the go-ahead from the previous commander-in-chief and his cronies.

Really, Rasmussen. That’s so obvious it’s almost comical. 

We all see how Biden can’t shuffle off stage, never mind up stairs, without the help of nearby aides, his wife and God knows how many prescription pills. So the idea he can mentally navigate the complexities and challenges of governing and leading from the most powerful office in the world just isn’t feasible. A general rule of thumb is that if a person reaches out to shake the hand of thin air once, twice, three times — or calls on a dead person to pay her a compliment, even once — then that person probably shouldn’t be trusted, say, with tying shoelaces, never mind with nuclear codes.

Of course Biden is getting help with his presidency.

Of course Biden is being told what to do every step, err, shuffle, of the way.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 63% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it is likely that Obama is influencing the politics of the Biden administration, including 40% who consider it Very Likely,” Rasmussen wrote.

Twenty-nine percent say it’s unlikely; 13% say “Not At All Likely,” the survey said.

The disbelievers are the Democrats. They have to say that. They think we don’t know so they have to keep up the charade. But we do know.

“Biden Is Delivering Obama’s Third Term,” The Wall Street Journal wrote in August 2021.

“Team Obama’s Third Term in the White House Has Been a Disaster and an Insult to Britain,” The Heritage Foundation wrote in August 2023.

On top of that, Obama even said to Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” — jokingly — supposedly jokingly — that whenever he was asked if he wished he could serve a third presidential term, he’d usually say: “You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that.”

Everything Biden screams Obama.

When Biden wanted to stand strong for Israel over Hamas, Obama took to national media waves and talked about the Israeli “occupation” and then drew moral equivalencies between Israel and the Palestinians.

“If you want to solve the problem [of unrest in the Middle East], then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean. That all of us are complicit to some degree,” Obama said on “Pod Save America,” a podcast hosted by four of his former White House aides, ABC News reported in November. 

“[And] what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable,” Obama went on. 

This was on the heels of Biden telling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that America “will continue to have Israel’s back” “today, tomorrow and always — we promise you.” 

It wasn’t long after Obama’s rhetoric that Biden discussed with Netanyahu the need to protect the civilian population from wayward war strikes — his December rhetoric — and then, this month, a pressing for peace, a halt to war and a two-state solution.

It’s like a course correction, courtesy of Team Obama.

Obama stayed in Washington, D.C., after his presidency, opting to purchase a brick home in a cushy downtown area rather than retire from beyond the bubble, like nearly every one of his predecessors — even after his girls graduated and moved past high school.

Roughly three-quarters of Biden’s top aides were appointed right out of the Obama administration, according to a USA Today analysis from 2021.

And when both men appear in public at the same event, it’s Obama who draws the fans and the fawning, leaving Biden to wander aimlessly and alone.

Moreover, on big government, the two are in lockstep. More government and less liberty — if that were a bumper sticker, it’d serve as an apt motto for both Obama and Biden administrations.

They hate individualism. They love and cherish globalism. They would prefer a Chinese Communist Party-like collectivism over American Exceptionalism, where individual liberties come from God.

They barely, if at all, believe in God because their actions, their agendas, their platforms, their policies all point to secularism, to atheism — to a demonic disregard for life.

“The man in charge at the White House isn’t Joe Biden,” the New York Post wrote in a headline in January 2022.

We know that.

America is living under Team Obama’s third term.

Come 2024, both puppet and puppet master must be gone if America is to be saved.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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