- The Washington Times - Friday, January 19, 2024

Joe Biden’s administration is going to forgive nearly $5 billion in college loans to roughly 73,600 borrowers, despite the fact the U.S. Supreme Court just ruled in Biden v. Nebraska that the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, HEROES Act, didn’t give the White House the authority to wipe out student debt.

If at first socialists don’t succeed, they certainly will try, try again. Because nothing says socialism like taking tax dollars and giving to those deemed deserving by government. Nothing says socialist like bureaucrats who redistribute from hard-working Peter to pay lazy, bottom-feeder Paul.

“From Day One of my administration,” Biden said, The Hill reported, “I vowed to improve the student loan system so that a higher education provides Americans with opportunity — and prosperity — not unmanageable burdens of student loan debt. I won’t back down from using every tool at our disposal to get student loan borrowers the relief they need to reach their dreams.”

How nice for the borrowers.

How about those who scrimped and saved and sweated and toiled to pay back the money they borrowed — the money they voluntarily signed on to borrow? Do they get rebates?

Nobody forces individuals to go to college. As a matter of fact, many who go to college don’t even go for the reasons of furthering an education, but rather as a means of partying, extending their youth and avoiding adulthood, or for other reasons that have nothing to do any “reach” for “their dreams,” as Biden put it.

When they sign the loan paperwork, or their parents sign on their behalf, it’s with full understanding they will have to pay back the loan, abiding the terms of the loan, including the deadlines for repayment of the loan. It’s a contract. It’s a legally binding promise to repay.

Then come the Democrats with their campaign slogan of ‘free for thee!’ — which is really to say taxpayer-funded for the carefully chosen and selected. And all that contract talk and legal binding stuff go out the window.

It’s open season on the hard working.

It’s feeding time on the middle class.

“My administration is able to deliver relief to these borrowers — and millions more — because of fixes we made to broken student loan programs that were preventing borrowers from getting relief they were entitled to under the law,” Biden said.

Law? Law, schmaw. Law means whatever Democrats want it to mean and in this instance, law means voters.

Biden’s favor with voters is hitting historical lows. And when it comes to youthful voters — the block that turned out in droves for Biden in 2020 — the support this time around is dwindling.

What better way to recapture the votes than by offering up billions of tax dollars so the government’s chosen can skip paying debt?

Thing is, a contract is a promise. Breaking that promise used to be considered morally reprehensible and legally punishable — in a word, sinful.

But sin, in this growing secularized nation, is a matter for mocking these days. The atheists and humanists who dominate the Democrat Party have successfully tainted the culture to the point where anything goes is the standard; where if it feels good, it must be good; where boundaries and limits on behaviors are evidences of discrimination and intolerance; and where the lowest of society — the do-nothings, the bottom feeders, the loud and angry victim classes who revel in their victimhood — are elevated to leadership status and perceived as true advocates for the downtrodden. Do not constructively criticize these victims by suggesting they work for what they want, or by recommending accountability to be built in to the entitlement systems they exploit, because that, in itself, is an unwarranted and unfair attack. They are victims and as such, they are to be treated as victims, and as such, all those outside their circle of victimhood must provide money, housing, transportation, child care and education. It’s the morality of the left.

It’s the soul-sucking way of the socialists.

Biden may wave his White House wand and whisk away $5 billion or so of these people’s debts.

But there’s a higher accountability and it’s one that won’t be so dismissive.

“Pay to all what is owed to them,” Romans 13:7 states.

“The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives” Psalm 37:21 states.

“It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay,” Ecclesiastes 5:5 states.

Of course, the Democrats and their bottom-feeders may not believe in these biblical truths. But that doesn’t make them less true. Similarly, a president can claim a power to break contract laws and take tax dollars to give to his fellow contract breakers. But that doesn’t make it true.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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