- The Washington Times - Friday, January 19, 2024

Eric H. Holder Jr., former attorney general of the United States during Barack Obama’s presidency, took to MSNBC on “The Reid Out” to complain that if Donald Trump is elected in 2024, “democracy could end.”

Good. Because America is a republic, not a democracy.

So to end the democracy would be tantamount to returning to rightful governance.

Yes, some argue the modern-day distinctions between a republic and a democracy are slim; the Mises Institute, for example, wrote in 2017 a compelling case to — as the headline states — “Stop Saying ‘We’re a Republic, Not a Democracy.’” But the left is very clever at using words as political weapons — as tools of propaganda to water down original meanings; to gaslight the citizenry; to ultimately change policies, perceptions and peoples’ behaviors and mindsets.

President Biden did it with the redefining of the word “patriot” during the coronavirus clampdowns, accusing any American who hesitated to take the COVID shots or wear face masks as unpatriotic. The medical bureaucrats in the federal government did it with the word “vaccine” and the word “vaccination,” after it was widely seen the normally accepted definitions were not applying to the outcomes of the COVID shots.

The Democrats and globalists continue to do it with the phrase “Christian nationalist,” changing the meaning of that label from something that described America’s founding — based on God-given individual liberties — into something negative, into something racist, into something that allows the Democrats and globalists to redefine American Exceptionalism.

So words matter.

Calling America a democracy is incorrect.

America is a republic — a democratic republic — a constitutional republic — with a government that requires limits on the politicians and power to the people, but rule of law to reign.

“I think a second Trump term — and this is something voters need to keep in mind — a second Trump term would have a politicized, weaponized United States Department of Justice,” Holder said, Breitbart wrote.

That’s an interesting perspective from a man who served as the highest law enforcement official in the land, supposedly in an unbiased manner, but who described himself as Obama’s “wingman.”

In 2013, at a time he was mulling departure from office, Holder said to a reporter who asked when he might leave — this: “I’m still enjoying what I’m doing. There’s still work to be done. I’m still the president’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy.”

Holder was the guy who oversaw the ATF’s gun walking scandal, known as Fast and Furious — allowing illegal gun sales in order to track the sellers and buyers — after which two of the guns were tied to the murder of American border agent Brian Terry. Holder was cited for contempt by Congress for that program.

Holder was also this guy: “Holder Signed Off on Warrant Identifying Fox News Reporter as Criminal Conspirator,” Wired wrote in 2013. That’s when Justice Department officials spied on Fox’s James Rosen’s emails.

Holder was also this guy: “Justice Department Secretly Obtains AP Phone Records,” NPR wrote in 2013. That’s when DOJ officials launched what The Associated Press characterized as a “massive and unprecedented intrusion into its gathering of news” and “secretly collected phone records for several AP reporters,” NPR wrote.

And now Holder’s the guy concerned about the weaponization of the Justice Department if Trump wins the White House? There’s a pot calling a kettle black.

“You have to look at what it is they’re talking about,” Holder said on MSNBC. “You would have a president who is beyond the reach of the law, you have a Justice Department who goes after political opponents, on no basis. He’s going to prosecute Joe Biden … You [would] have a United States of America that would be unrecognizable to us. It would be one that we would see more in Putin’s Russia as opposed to the United States that we have come to all know and love. And this is really what this is about. This question is about whether or not our democracy will endure; whether or not our democracy will survive.”

Well, if the kind of democracy Democrats bring is bound to die under a Trump administration, then let the Trump administration come — and quickly!

Obama’s wingman has had enough influence on American justice. When someone like Holder decries the death of democracy, patriots in America can breathe easy and cheer.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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