- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 18, 2024

Davos bureaucrats say the world needs to be prepared for the next pandemic — and what they mean by that, of course, is that the world’s governments need to hurry up and hand the elites in the global bodies all the power to declare, monitor, surveil and dictate all-things-next-pandemic.

If these Davos types have their way, worldwide communism will result.

They call it Pandemic X preparation, and as Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, just said at the World Economic Forum’s latest — there’s nothing to see here, folks; stop worrying; and for goodness sake! — stop asking questions and discussing them on social media. Evil thrives in secrecy, after all. 

When asked during a panel discussion on “Disease X” what the “health systems should prioritize for an effective response to a global crisis” — Tedros said this: “Disease X is attracting a lot of attention … but it’s not a new idea. The first time we used the terminology was 2018” and “we need to have a placeholder for diseases we don’t [yet] know … [but] that may come. So that is why we gave the name Disease X.”

Nothing to see here. Go home,

It’s an interesting thing when a health expert is asked an opinion about a health matter — and gives an answer about public relations.

That’s called Suspicious.

And that’s how the world’s citizens ought to be regarding these bureaucrats’ planning discussions and preparation analyses for a future pandemic — suspicious.

We’ve already seen what they can do with the coronavirus; we’ve already experienced the zero-sum type of mentality that health officials used to supposedly mitigate the effects of the virus and achieve an entirely unachievable zero test positives. We’ve already suffered through the lockdowns and losses of liberties; the closures of schools and losses of years of academic progression for our youth; the shuttering of businesses and losses of income and independence and entrepreneurial successes; the devastations to society; the destructions to freedom; the decimations of free thinking.

We’ve already seen the horrors of elderly dying alone — separated from loved ones by plastic shields and plastic partitions and in many cases, locked doors. We’ve already experienced the heartaches of postponed weddings; postponed graduation ceremonies; postponed reunions and get-togethers and family gatherings. We’ve already felt the pain of canceled medical procedures and rescheduled and rescheduled again and rescheduled yet once more necessary surgeries.

We’ve already undergone the unnecessary humiliation of public temperature checks, forced face-masking, forfeited rights to decide one’s own course of health care. 

We’ve already seen the eye-opening and shocking bowing of churches to government dictates — the closing of places of worship but simultaneous labeling of marijuana shops and big box retail as essential services, and the accompanying allowance for them to remain open and operational.

We’ve watched the videos of lone runners on empty beaches being pursued by police.

We’ve seen the news reports of subway riders dragged off their subway rides by groups of officers who then cuffed them for the crime of being in public without a face mask.

We’ve been there. We’ve done that.

And now the world health powers want to do it again? 

Disease X preparation may sound like a smart move to save the world from a massive health threat that could wipe out humanity. But it’s not. It’s actually the World Economic Forum’s way of working with the World Health Organization to bring about the Great Reset goal of changing how citizens in every nation live, breathe, farm, eat, buy, travel, work, play, build and behave.

It’s really a way for the global elites to tailor the WHO’s developing pandemic treaty to make sure it covers all the bases before May, when they meet again to take a final tally of treaty supporters.

If the globalists get their way, their carefully chosen select will be in charge of alerting to future virus threats, raising alarms over future health hazards — including pollution, including climate change issues, including environmental matters — and then recommending, nay, strongly advising, nay, dictating to local governments how best to respond to these so-declared dangers to humanity.

And since we’ve already seen the response to COVID, it’s clear: The real danger is not a virus. The real danger is the globalists and elites at the top of the government chain who want nothing more than to control all, and who will stop at nothing to obtain it.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

For more information, visit The Washington Times COVID-19 resource page.

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