- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney who’s trying her bless-her-heart Georgia best to bring down Donald Trump and his associates via a statute created to go after members of the mafia — the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO Act — finally spoke publicly about the alleged tainting of her Polly Pure Heart prosecution by infidelities and targeted TDS takedowns, and before a bunch of Big Bethel AME churchgoers, cried out: “God, isn’t it them who’s playing the race card?”

Religion and race cards: These are the things Democrats cling to when they have nothing to say that’s truthful.

Willis has been accused by Michael Roman, one of the co-defendants in the Trump case, of engaging in a “personal romantic relationship” with the prosecutor, Nathan Wade, “during the pendency of this case,” according to documents related to a lawsuit brought by Roman to have all seven of his charges dismissed. 

Further, Wade is accused in Roman’s lawsuit of “being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf.” In fact, Wade was paid $654,000 in legal fees between 2022 and 2023, all tied to his work on the Trump case, The Hill found.

If true — if Wade indeed were taking a special prosecutorial look into this Trump case because his D.A. girlfriend Willis asked, and hired him, and pressed him, and paid him, with tax dollars, no less — well then, the ethical lapses are obvious. You can’t be serving in a position dedicated to upholding the public good and then hire your married boyfriend to take out your political enemies, all on the taxpayer dime. It’s not only not nice. It’s downright dirty.

Willis tried to explain.

But her ’splainin’ was far from actually explaining.

“I’m a little confused,” Willis said, The Hill wrote. “I appointed three special counselors. It’s my right to do, paid them all the same hourly rate. They only attack one. I hired one white woman … one white man … and I hired one black man. … The black man I chose has been a judge for more than 10 years, runs a private practice more than 20, represented businesses in civil litigation … served as a prosecutor a criminal defense lawyer, special assistant attorney general.”

And then she said this: “How come, God, the same black man I hired was acceptable when a Republican in another county hired him and paid him twice the rate? … God, isn’t it them who’s playing the race card when they only question one [of three hired prosecutors]? They’re playing the race card. … I’m just asking, “God — is it that some will never see a black man as qualified, no matter his achievements?”

She went on for about 35 minutes.

She never denied the allegations of an affair. 

She did, however, petition God to protect her against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia Republican, who has publicly attacked Willis for what could very well prove an abuse of office and a violation of professional ethics.

“Dear God,” Willis said, “I do not want to be like those what attacked me. I never want to be a Marjorie Taylor Greene … [who] has allowed her spirit to be filled with hate.

She didn’t talk about her subpoena in Wade’s divorce case.

She didn’t talk about the “act to defraud the public of honest services” based on her “intentional failure” to disclose any relationship with Wade both may have “personally benefitted from” — that is, the allegations outlined in Roman’s court filings.

She did throw the race card.

She did throw it in church.

And she did throw it in church while all the while appealing to God for righteous protection.

Democrats, party of the abortion-lovers, party of the atheists and secularists and humanists, party of the wickedness of transgenderism and recreational sex and zero accountability for actions and collectivism, not individualism; of communism and Marxism, not God-given freedom — Democrats do love their race cards and religious appeals when political times get tough.

“Obama Plays the Race Card,” The Wall Street Journal reported in 2014, reminding of the time President Obama went on “The Late Show” to talk with host David Letterman about how he was just so discriminated against and downtrodden.

“Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi Hosts Prayer Vigil Marking One Year Since January 6,” YouTube ran in a headline a couple of years ago.

“House Democrats cheerfully sang ‘God Bless America’ on the steps of the Capitol as crowds protested the overturning of Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court across the street,” Business Insider wrote in January of 2022. Apparently, Democrats were actually singing in support of a new gun law — but they were doing so as protesters were screaming about an end to Roe v. Wade, and so the imagery was, well, awkward. 

Then again: Please. We all know the image fits.

“Praise Jesus for abortions: Pro-abortion activist screams at people praying at March for Life,” Breitbart reported in January of 2023.

Before that was California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his blasphemous billboards: “Need an abortion? California is ready to help. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these,’” as Catholic Answers wrote in 2022.

The list of disgusting Democrat politicking is long.

Now add Willis to the list.

And apparently, her truth is so wretched she has to double-whammy the race and religion cards to try and dupe the public into believing her side.

It’d be amusing. Except it’s not.

Americans deserve more from their public servants than using God and race for political weapons. Those who don’t agree should be disqualified from office.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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