- The Washington Times - Friday, January 12, 2024

Taliban terrorists swept through Kabul, arresting girls as young as 16 for violating hijab mandates, labeling them “infidels” and in some cases, lashing them on their legs and feet.

Another check in the foreign policy “fail” column of this president, Joe Biden.

In November, Gallup wrote “Freedom Fades, Suffering Remains for Women in Afghanistan.” That was the headline above Gallup’s survey, which included findings that a record low of 11 percent of Afghan women professed satisfaction with freedom.

Yay, Team Biden.

It was Biden’s administration that opened the door for Taliban members to take back control of Afghanistan. It was this White House’s epic disaster called Afghanistan Withdrawal that left behind America’s allies, American military members, American military equipment, for the terrorists to take, kill and scoop — and in the wake, a lengthy list of fake promises to protect the rights of women and girls and shield them from Taliban fury.

“Taliban vow to respect women, despite history of oppression,” The Associated Press reported in August of 2021.

Yeah, right.

The women of Afghanistan are seeing the outcome of these failed promises right now. 

“Girls as young as 16 have been arrested across the Afghan capital, Kabul, in the past week for violating the Taliban’s hijab rules,” The Guardian reported

“The girls — who were detained in shopping centers, classes and street markets — were accused of ‘spreading and encouraging others to wear a bad hijab’ and wearing makeup,” The Guardian also reported.

“Late, 16 said she was arrested by the Taliban along with a number of other girls at her English language class and pulled into a police truck. She said girls who confronted the men and refused to go were beaten, while she was lashed on her feet and legs when trying to reason with them,” The Guardian further reported.

You can’t reason with evil.

That’s a lesson the Biden administration failed to consider when withdrawing from Afghanistan — and further, it’s a lesson this Biden administration continues to ignore while trying to bridge peace between Israel and Hamas terrorists. The Democrats never learn.

Others suffer for their leftist delusions.

And my, with Afghanistan, what a delusion it’s been for Democrats.

Biden Defends U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan,” The New York Times wrote in October of 2021.

“A defiant Biden calls Afghanistan exit a ‘success,’” Politico wrote in August of 2021.

Biden calls Afghanistan withdrawal an ‘extraordinary success’ as he defends evacuation,” The Independent wrote that same month.

Define success, please. ‘Cause if you ask a woman in Afghanistan, she probably has a lot different opinion to offer than the Democrats and this White House — and it comes as a terrified whisper beneath the suffocating cover of a forced hijab. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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