As the late Donald Rumsfeld famously said in 2002, “There are known knowns — there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns … things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” Today, one of those “known unknowns” is why our sitting president is doing more damage to the U.S. than our enemies could have hoped for.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his Un-American Activities Committee would have had a field day digging into what has been reported on by the various Republican House committees and conservative media.

The executive and legislative branches are dominated and run by a Democratic Party leadership that refuses to acknowledge or even look into the incompetence (or deliberate malfeasance) of President Biden, who is abetted by these same Democrats. Our checks-and-balances system no longer works.

When the Justice Department and the FBI refuse to carry out their duties as prescribed by law and none of the mainstream media sees anything wrong in it, the Fourth Estate becomes part and parcel of the Democrats’ machine intent on carrying out whatever Mr. Biden and his minions want. Meanwhile, the rest of us are left in the dark.

The Washington Times and every other fair-minded media outlet should investigate this on a level that makes Woodward and Bernstein’s  digging into President Richard Nixon look like child’s play. No other publication has the wherewithal, staff or gumption to find out what “we don’t know we don’t know” about our sitting president’s efforts to corrupt the United States.

The conservative media are our last resort.


Bowie, Maryland

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