- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 8, 2024

It’s time for Christians to cast off their fears, toss aside their doubts, clear up the clouds from their eyes, and jump feet first into the fires of today’s politically hot camps.

It’s no coincidence that as Americans grow more secular, America grows its government.

Big Government and God-given individualism aren’t concepts that easily co-exist. One constantly intrudes on the other.

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California has a new book, “Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture’s Lies” — and as he says, the atmosphere of today’s society is one that is steeped deep in untruths.

Just look at the LGBTQ insanity and the lies that boys can become girls simply by willing so and moreover, that anyone who says otherwise is intolerant. Truth has become scarce.

“There seems to be a collective global fog of deceptions these days,” Hibbs says.

And it’s causing quite the stir of confusion and chaos in both America and abroad. Want to know the way to peace? Read the Bible. Live out biblical truths. Follow the signs God gives each and every believer.

Tune in for this important discussion with Pastor Jack — and don’t forget to subscribe to Bold & Blunt! For comments or feedback, email media@washingtontimes.com using the subject line “Bold & Blunt Podcast.”

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