- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Democratic Party’s historically strong support within several key demographics is waning heavily, with Blacks and Hispanics jumping ship in droves, a new Gallup survey finds.

Despite maintaining a noticeable majority within the African-American community, the Democratic lead has decreased by an astounding 20 percentage points throughout the last three years.

What’s more, the party’s foothold with Hispanic adults and young people has similarly retracted, leaving the Democrats grasping onto a minor advantage.

A look at the gender divide reveals that Democrats have lost their previously equal standing with men since 2009, and a similar pattern has emerged with the non-college-educated demographic — among whom Democrats now trail Republicans.

The year 2023 saw a stark dip in Democratic identification among the overall electorate — to 27%, the lowest measure in Gallup’s ongoing research. With only 43% of U.S. adults either directly aligning with or leaning toward the Democratic Party, the dwindling figures reveal a new challenge for the party strategists.

The Democratic decline among Hispanic voters is similarly pronounced, hitting a new low in 2023 — a trend that started being closely monitored in 2011.

However, no significant setbacks were observed among groups such as female, senior or white adults — the latter maintaining a solid Republican preference.

On the good news side for Democrats, they still hold a 47-point lead in the non-Hispanic Black community, although the margin has contracted compared to previous years. It stands at the lowest recorded by Gallup since 1999, with most of the reduction occurring in recent years.

Additional Democratic strongholds reside among nonreligious individuals, higher-educated Americans, and big-city dwellers. Women also favor Democrats over Republicans, by nine percentage points.

In contrast, Republicans find their success among regular churchgoers, rural residents, Protestants, White adults, men, less-educated individuals, and residents of Southern states.

• Staff can be reached at 202-636-3000.

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