Nothing can erase the horror and grief that was inflicted on a community by a disturbed boy’s savage and murderous assault at his school, but the conviction of his derelict mother for involuntary manslaughter can bring some measure of justice and comfort for those whose lives were shattered (“Jury finds Michigan school shooter’s mother Jennifer Crumbley guilty of manslaughter,” web, Feb. 6).

When a child breaks the window of a neighbor, the parent is generally held responsible. So, too, must there be parental responsibility when a mother’s or father’s reckless behavior and callous disregard of what is before them results in harm to innocent people. When one chooses to have a child and has custody of them, society has a right to expect and demand a minimum standard of care for that child and the community.

There are many bad parents. We do not haul all of them into court to face criminal charges. When a parent’s action or inaction results in a preventable tragedy, however, society must act.

I do not understand why any parent would choose to buy a gun as a gift for someone who is not of legal age to vote or purchase cigarettes or alcohol. To buy a gun for a child and then leave it within his or her reach when there are signs of mental health issues is beyond the pale. 

With this verdict, a powerful message has been sent to parents throughout the country. Perhaps some will give more thought to the way they are raising their children. 


Peters Township, Pennsylvania

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