- The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 7, 2024

President Biden in a recent presser about the hostage situation and the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict said bleaty, bleaty and “movement” and something-something and “some movement,” and the ah, the ah, the ah — “opposition.”

Then a reporter weighed in and said “Hamas?” — and Biden bobbed his head in agreement.

Two enthusiastic ice cream cones for the president!

But this can’t be good for America’s national security. Whenever Biden speaks in public, America’s allies groan a little bit louder because they know their safety and security just got a little bit shakier. If Biden can’t even speak, how can he possibly order his generals to defend America’s allies?

Honestly, Biden could just as easily order drone strikes on Israel as the Houthis. He’s one garbled sentence away from mixing up our friends with enemies.

To quote from Biden’s own mouth: When asked “what needs to get done for the hostage deal to get resolved” — the president of the United States, supposedly the most powerful man in the world, said, “This indirectly has a lot to do with the hostage deal and what’s going on in the Middle East … yada yada … There is some movement, and I don’t want to, I don’t want to, well, maybe choose my words. There is some movement. There’s been a response from the, there’s been a response from the opposition but —“

Then a reporter chimes in, “Hamas?”

And Biden continues: “Yes, I’m sorry. From Hamas.”



Please stop talking.

Hamas isn’t really so much an “opposition” as a terrorist group that just unleashed a Sept. 11-like assault on Israel, and committed atrocities so ugly and brutal — on children, on babies, on women, on elderly — that media won’t even show pictures of the devastations.


At least have the courtesy of recalling the group’s name, though.

Biden’s stumbling, mumbling, mental skips in time, brain cramps, brain stutters, brain shutdowns are growing worse.

No doubt, videos of his incapacities are being played and replayed and mocked and ridiculed across a wide swath of America’s geographical enemies. They’re propaganda gold for haters of the West.

Whenever Biden speaks, the world grows a little bit more rocky.

The fact that Democrats still want him for a second term only shows the utter contempt Democrats have for America. The kind thing to do for Biden is to retire him with a lifetime supply of ice cream and plenty of afghans to keep him warm. The safe thing to do for America and for a world that looks to America for leadership is to keep him from the public stage for the remainder of his term.

Every time he speaks, the world becomes a little less safe.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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