The Senate border bill would create a trigger system of accepting 5,000 illegal immigrants per day for a week in a supposed effort to secure our southern border (“Senate border bill hits wall of bipartisan blowback,” web, Feb. 5).It is a total sham.

The only thing this bill would do is create a statutory requirement to ultimately allow millions more illegal immigrants into the U.S. President Biden knows he is not going to be reelected and all of his wrongheaded policies are going to be thrown out on the first day of the next administration.

This bill would put all of these absurd policies into the U.S. Code while precluding those who follow him into the Oval Office from fixing the problems caused by these illegal policies.

This bill and any similar ones must be cut off at the knees. The U.S. is close to going over the edge with these millions of illegal immigrants and open borders. 

We need to come together to return to sanity and we need to do it now. Mr. Biden is just trying to codify his weird, unexplainable view of the world.

Bowie, Maryland

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