- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Elon Musk weighed in on the border debate on the platform he owns, X, and said President Biden is purposely allowing illegals into America to solidify the coming generation of Democrat voters.

He said the quiet part out loud. We all know this. Democrats deny this. Democrats are full of you-know-what.

“Biden’s strategy is very simple,” Musk wrote. “1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible. 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority — a one-party state. That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective.”

This has actually been the Democrats’ playbook for years.

It’s why the party opposes voter identification laws. It’s why the party wants to give driver’s licenses to illegals. It’s why the party wants illegals to have the right to vote in local elections — in local elections first, then once that door is cracked, state elections; then once that door is cracked, federal elections.

It’s not exactly a super-secret, top-secret, classified secret plan.

“Beginning in 1993 with Washington state, 18 states and DC have since allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses as of Nov. 14, 2022. Those states hope to encourage unlicensed drivers to pass the driver’s license test and obtain car insurance,” ProCon.org wrote.

Other jurisdictions, including New Haven, Connecticut; Ashbury Park, New Jersey; and San Francisco, California, allow illegals to obtain photo identification cards that can’t be used as driver’s licenses, but that nonetheless serve as step one — or, in Musk’s scenario, step two — of normalizing the presence of those who don’t legally belong in America, leading to their creation of a permanent majority.

Now add to that all the services illegals can receive while waiting for their supermajorities to solidify. In New York, for example, those services for illegals include the right to purchase fishing and sporting licenses, the right to access public parks, the right to a K-12 public education, the right to Medicaid-funded or emergency hospital medical care, the right to worker’s compensations. 

It’s almost as if illegals are being mainstreamed or something. 

The thing is: Border control isn’t that difficult.

Democrats, when they go to their jobs on Capitol Hill, enter through security checkpoints that are manned by armed guards; they walk to their offices down hallways with cameras that serve as nonstop surveillance; they park their cars in garages with roaming guards, behind locked gates, within the underbellies of gated buildings; they pop into chauffeured SUVs with tinted windows who drive them to the front doors of their destinations so they only have to walk about five steps from vehicle to doorman; they go home to their locked residences, behind locked gates, where visitors have to show identification cards to officials standing within locked checkpoints. They have armed escorts when needed. They have armored cars and caravans of cars and armed and trained drivers when requested.

They know what security looks like; they know how to protect themselves. They don’t mind tapping into tax dollars when it comes time to installing cement blockades around their congressional offices, or creating a buffer zone of “No Parking” signs in front of their workplaces, or avoiding public transportation in favor of contracting with the comparatively much safer and secure professional sedan and limo services. 

When Democrats want to, they can enforce boundaries and borders. When properly motivated, Democrats can keep out the undesirables.

So, too, Republicans In Name Only who play the border game with the American public — that is, talk the good talk of border control, border control, border control, but then walk away when someone like Donald Trump or now, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, initiates fence-building and razor-wire installation and even, oh my, perish the thought, deportation sweeps.

Democrats do know a thing or two about security — when it matters to them. RINOs do have good ideas on protecting boundaries and keeping citizens safe, when it personally concerns them.

So the idea of open borders and tens of thousands of illegals surging into America is one that shouldn’t spark so much a long drawn-out discussion as an immediate action. It’s not brain surgery. It’s not even as complicated as taking out the trash.

Just do on the border what’s done for the political class in Washington, D.C. Do that, and American sovereignty will be secure.

The fact that political elites are dancing around common sense by pretending border control is complicated speaks volumes. It says they don’t want to stop illegals from coming into America. They don’t want to kick out illegals who’ve already made America their home. It’s all about power. It’s all about keeping power in the party for perpetuity.

“This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation is a lost vote,” Musk posted.

That’s the not-so-secret secret. Another four years of Biden and the Democrats will no doubt have all the votes they need to rule the future.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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