- Monday, February 5, 2024

Well, the general election is coming in November, and it’s a good time to reflect on President Biden’s disastrous three years in office.

Yes, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is still technically in the Republican primary race, propped up by the liberal media and a few never Trump donors, but it’s clear that most GOP primary voters want former President Donald Trump as their standard-bearer.

Every presidential election campaign is a referendum on the incumbent, whether the incumbent likes it or not. Mr. Biden would like nothing more than to make the race about anything but his failed record, but the voters aren’t going to be fooled into looking the other way.

So, to kick off the expected Biden-Trump rematch, it’s fitting to recap the most infamous dates of the Biden presidency to date.

Jan. 20, 2021: Immediately upon taking office, President Biden issued various executive actions to reverse or stop Mr. Trump’s strong border security policies, including the construction of the border wall. These early moves by Mr. Biden to open the border set the stage for the invasion that is taking place today. The House of Representatives is moving to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for dereliction of duty.

March 11, 2021: When Mr. Biden signed the so-called American Rescue Plan into law, he stated that the “historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country and giving people in this nation, working people, middle-class folks, people who built the country, a fighting chance.”

As it turns out, this irresponsible $1.9 trillion spending bill had the opposite effect, creating inflation with which Americans are still struggling. Mr. Biden’s reckless legislation caused our economy to overheat and made everything more expensive, from gasoline to groceries. Americans would have been far better served if Mr. Biden had simply left Mr. Trump’s economic plan in place.

Aug. 30, 2021: Mr. Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan will go down as one of the biggest foreign policy blunders in U.S. history that cost American lives. In the lead-up to the pullout, Mr. Biden misled the American people about the Taliban’s strength and said that “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

To paraphrase former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Mr. Biden has been wrong about nearly every foreign policy issue in the past 40 years. Afghanistan is no exception. Due to Mr. Biden’s incompetence, 13 U.S. service members were killed, and billions of dollars in military equipment was left behind to fall into enemy hands.

Feb. 24, 2022: Russia invaded Ukraine. During Mr. Trump’s administration, a “peace through strength” foreign policy was put in place. Because of this position, America was at peace during Mr. Trump’s term in office and bad actors like Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, China’s Xi Jinping and others were forced to think twice about making aggressive military moves.

Mr. Biden’s trademark weak posture sent a signal to our adversaries that the United States didn’t need to be respected or feared under left-wing globalist leadership. Now, nearly two years since his unprovoked invasion, Mr. Putin is still running amok in Ukraine, and China and Iran continue to thumb their noses at the Biden White House without consequence.

Sept. 1, 2022: Mr. Biden traveled to Pennsylvania to deliver one of the most divisive speeches in presidential history by lecturing 74 million Trump voters “to stop the assault on American democracy.” The surreal backdrop behind Mr. Biden was something that could have made Hitler propagandist Leni Riefenstahl blush.

Only a year and a half earlier, Mr. Biden stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, saying in his inaugural address that “unity is the path forward.” But here we are in 2024, and President Biden has chosen to weaponize our justice system to indict his political opponent and is leading a coordinated election interference strategy that seeks to disenfranchise Trump voters by throwing their candidate off the ballot.

Oct. 7, 2023: Hamas launched a terrorist attack against Israel that killed more than 1,200 innocent people and took more than 240 men, women and children hostage. Instead of standing side by side with our greatest ally in the Middle East, Mr. Biden caved to the radical left by failing to blame Iran directly for its central role in the murderous plot and then called for a pause in the fighting in order to hamstring Israel. The White House has been actively trying to undermine Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the beginning, most recently with the threat to delay weapons shipments to Israel.

Dec. 13, 2023: The House of Representatives voted to begin a formal impeachment inquiry into Mr. Biden’s involvement in his family’s international influence-peddling operation. For years, Mr. Biden has denied discussing the lucrative family business with his son Hunter, denied any involvement whatsoever, and denied benefiting from it.

Since Republicans took control of the House, however, they have subpoenaed bank records, followed the money, released sworn testimony, and discovered that Mr. Biden was lying about his role in the scheme from day one. The evidence suggests that not only was Mr. Biden keenly aware of what was going on, he was the linchpin of the operation. Americans have the right to know if President Biden is corrupt, compromised, or both.

Polls indicate that Americans are poised to make a change in leadership in 2024. Only 25% believe our country is on the right track, compared with a whopping 67% who believe we’re heading in the wrong direction. Furthermore, only 41% approve of the job Mr. Biden is doing in office, while 55% disapprove.

The reason for Mr. Biden’s abysmal polling? His radical left-wing policies have driven America into a ditch. Let’s face it: The Biden presidency has been a Jimmy Carter-esque failure across the board from the get-go, and it’s time to reelect Mr. Trump so he can make America great again.

• David N. Bossie is president of Citizens United and served as deputy campaign manager for Donald J. Trump for President.

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