- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Harvard University’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion administrator, Shirley Greene, has just been whacked with 40-plus accusations of plagiarism in her 2008 dissertation. That’s after Harvard’s chief diversity officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, was accused of plagiarizing her husband’s work. That’s after Harvard’s Claudine Gay resigned from her role as university president after facing several of her own plagiarism allegations. And all that’s after the school was rocked with charges of antisemitism based on all the pro-Palestinian protesters who called for “from the river to the sea” and the clearing of Jews and the end of occupation and so forth, and so on, and all the not-so-cloaked code words that, in essence, mean, Kill The Jews.

The once-fine Harvard has become a school of disrepute. 

So, too, most all the Ivy Leagues. But Harvard is leading the way toward bottom-place honors.

“Harvard Business School professor Raffaella Sadun resigned as co-chair of the presidential task force on antisemitism after ‘repeatedly considering stepping down because she felt the university would not commit to acting on its suggestions,’” Harvard Crimson just reported.

And the hits just keep on coming.

Sadun apparently had some ideas about how to combat the rather shocking wave of on-campus antisemitism that reared its ugly head in the weeks since Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists, but was frustrated by the slow response to implementation and as such, resigned. She was the second Harvard staffer to do so for similar reasons. 

People are starting to notice.

“The half life of a @Harvard antisemitism task force member is about 60 days,” wrote Harvard alumnus and billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman on social media, Boston 25 News reported. “I wonder what’s going on.”

Well, in a word: leftism.

Leftists have taken over the places of America’s higher learning, leaving as their legacies a behemoth of mind-boggling lunatic teachings — teachings that include things like Israel is evil, America is racist, the Constitution is unjust, and capitalism is akin to slavery. From that comes the ridiculous DEI hires who spend their time chasing down and condemning anyone who dares suggest skin color or sex — the latter of which they insist are at least a dozen-strong — should not be considered before skill, experience and competence. It’s the Marxist way, dontcha know. Divide, then conquer. The more class warfare, the better for bureaucrats to pretend to be the savior of the chaos that’s generated — the chaos they actually created.

“Harvard, Penn antisemitism backlash spotlights new Ivy League” problems, The Associated Press wrote in December.

“Some Jewish parents rethink elite schools amid antisemitism concerns on campus,” CNN wrote that same month.

“Ivy League institutions and other colleges face U.S. inquiries over alleged antisemitism and Islamophobia,” PBS wrote in November. That story went on to report how “the federal government has opened civil rights investigations into seven schools and universities,” including the Ivy’s Columbia, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, over antisemitism allegations that rose since Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on Oct. 7.

In December, the Department of Education launched an investigation of another six colleges and universities for alleged discrimination and antisemitism.

The gears of justice on such matters move slowly, though — if at all. In the meanwhile, at least donors are having their say.

In late October, big-name deep-pocket donors expressed disappointment and anger with Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania for failing to properly address antisemitism on campus, kicking off what CNN called in a headline a “PR nightmare” for the schools. By December, the drop in funding was having a big effect.

“Ivy League slashes price of ‘donor door’ from $20M to $2M after antisemitism storm,” the New York Post reported in December.

The newspaper went on to write that Ivy’s were “quietly slashing the level of donations which can secure admission as mega-donors close their checkbooks to the Ivy League over antisemitism on campus.” In other words, donors wishing their children to attend Harvard no longer have to give $20 million to secure the spots; rather, only $2 million. 

“If a billionaire has committed $50 million or $100 million a year and now they’re backing out, colleges need to figure out how to fill that gap. The only way to do that is by recruiting lower amount donors,” said one source to the Post.

It won’t be long before even that $2 million mark is slashed and halved.

Who wants to send their kids to an Ivy League anymore? The schools are plagued by antisemites, dotted with plagiarists and dominated by leftist loons. With an average annual cost that hovers around $60,000 per year, the money for these schools can be much better spent on, well, almost anything. It’s sad but true — America’s elite schools have become cesspools and propaganda training grounds for Marxists.

Save money, save the minds of America’s youth. Send the kids to community college instead.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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