- Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A version of this story appeared in the daily Threat Status newsletter from The Washington Times. Click here to receive Threat Status delivered directly to your inbox each weekday.

On Jan. 30, the People’s Republic of China made yet another one-sided decision to alter the status quo that could jeopardize aviation safety in the Taiwan Strait. China announced — without prior consultation with Taiwan — that it would unilaterally alter the previously practiced measures on the M503 flight route and initiate eastbound flights along the W122 and W123 routes connecting M503 with the excuse of enhancing airspace operation efficiency.

The unilateral change brings Chinese flights closer to the median line of the Taiwan Strait and the Taipei Flight Information Region, which oversees approximately 1.5 million flights a year. This decision could also affect the safety of Taiwan’s flights serving the Kinmen and Matsu islands, which are controlled by Taiwan and are miles away from the shores of China.

While Beijing claims to act in the name of civil aviation’s efficiency, it violates section 4.2.6 of the Air Traffic Services Planning Manual of the International Civil Aviation Organization, or ICAO, stipulating that changing flight routes should be made only after they have been coordinated with all parties concerned. This critical measure ensures all relevant air traffic controllers create, agree upon and coordinate a plan for handling various situations and managing potential aviation risks. History shows that many aviation tragedies have resulted from a lack of stakeholder coordination.

Beijing’s unilateral alteration of the M503 flight route and operations of the W122 and W123 connecting routes once again highlights China’s complete disregard for international norms and Taiwan’s lack of access to the ICAO. Taiwan’s government has made its stance on China’s violation of ICAO regulations and unilaterally altering the flight path of M503 known to the ICAO through diplomatic allies and like-minded countries. We’ve also encouraged the international community to jointly urge that China promptly consult Taiwan on activating these new flight routes.

We are grateful to our American friends and like-minded partners who have denounced China’s unilateral changes to the cross-strait status quo, including the M503 flight path adjustment, and who have stood up against China’s bullying and called for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations.

It’s time for the ICAO to request Beijing follow international rules and return to the negotiating table with Taiwan. Meanwhile, Taiwan will continue to use all available channels to urge the ICAO to fulfill its duties as a global body that works with all parties concerned to safeguard aviation safety in the Taiwan Strait.

The M503 move is only the latest in a long line of decisions made by China that have unilaterally altered the status quo of cross-strait relations. As with other countries, China has put ridiculous bans on various trade imports from Taiwan as punishment for our democratic policies. It has used its undue influence to squeeze our international space, remove us from international organizations and siphon off our diplomatic allies, most recently with Nauru. Perhaps most gravely, China’s military has significantly increased incursions into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone and more frequently crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait — a direct and blatant provocation. 

In contrast to China’s hostile and escalatory actions, Taiwan has become known globally as a trustworthy partner and stakeholder in the rules-based international order. Faced with increased pressure and harassment from China, Taiwan has never repaid aggression with aggression, choosing instead to calmly and rationally build up our national defenses to protect our national security following an asymmetric warfare strategy. In contrast, authoritarian countries like China promote revisionism to destabilize the global order. Taiwan and its partners remain committed to peace, stability, freedom and democracy. 

Despite China’s unreasonable and aggressive policies, Taiwan is committed to the highest standards in aviation safety and national defense, and we will continue to work with the United States and other like-minded partners to ensure the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region.

• Alexander Tah-Ray Yui is the Taiwanese government’s representative to the United States.

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