- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 27, 2024

All eyes are on Rafah, the border area of Gaza and Egypt, where more than a million Palestinians have huddled to escape the war between Israeli’s military and Hamas terrorists, but Egypt’s not letting most cross and America’s putting the onus for their safety on Benjamin Netanyahu.

And tensions are rising, rising, rising.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on a recent MSNBC appearance said this: “We’ve been clear that we do not believe that a major military operation should proceed in Rafah unless there’s a clear and executable plan to protect those civilians, to get them to safety and to feed, clothe and house them. And we have not seen a plan like that.”

Netanyahu, meanwhile, over the weekend, announced a “total victory” against Hamas was on the horizon within weeks, rather than months, once the assault on Rafah begins — but how that operation will protect Palestinian civilians is still an unknown. Adding to the complications is the longterm fate of a 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel; the flow of humanitarian aid from Egypt that is intended for civilians but is being scooped by Hamas; and the ongoing press for the terror group to release Jewish hostages.

Gol Kalev, author of “Judaism 3.0,” and on the ground in Tel Aviv, discusses.

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