The Nunn-Lugar threat-reduction program of 1992 was heralded as a world savior because it would have Ukraine turn over the myriad nuclear missiles, submarines and weapons left behind following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

What has happened in the past 30-plus years? The United States, being led down the garden path by President Biden and his Democratic cabal, seems to have forgotten what we owe Ukraine.

Mr. Biden, the Democrats and some Republican members of Congress need to search their souls and remember the agreements and commitments we’ve made over the years. Then they must put Ukraine, Israel and our own southern border on solid ground.

To paraphrase Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, we have been showing the world our backs when we should be showing it our faces.

The president of Ukraine is not a coward; the president of the United States shouldn’t be one, either.


Bowie, Maryland

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