- The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 21, 2024

LOS ANGELES — President Biden entered full campaign mode Wednesday, yukking it up and gaining a warm reception at a Mexican/soul-food restaurant in a California strip mall before he tapped well-heeled donors for cash later in the evening.

Mr. Biden stopped at CJ’s Cafe at the recommendation of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass to take selfies with patrons and take a swipe or two at former President Donald Trump, who is running neck and neck with the Democratic incumbent in early polling of a hypothetical rematch.

When a customer was impressed that Mr. Biden knew how to flip the camera phone around to take a self-portrait, he replied, “After the last guy, the bar’s on the floor.”

Mr. Biden is touring California at a critical early juncture in the campaign. Battered by low approval ratings and concerns about his age and approach to the Israel-Hamas war, he is working overtime to lock down the young and minority voters who powered his victory in 2020.

Mr. Biden got a mixed reception on the ride over, with one thumbs up, one thumbs down and one middle finger among bystanders.

Inside the cafe, Mr. Biden received a boost from Ms. Bass, a former congressional ally who said the president doesn’t need a good State of the Union Address on March 7 to be successful in November.

“He’s going to win reelection anyway,” Ms. Bass said.

At one table with a seated couple, Mr. Biden asked the woman, “Do you know this guy? Is he OK?” and asked another customer how he was doing.

“Better since you are here,” the customer replied.

Mr. Biden was in Los Angeles for a fundraiser and to deliver policy remarks before heading up to San Francisco for more donor events.

• Tom Howell Jr. can be reached at thowell@washingtontimes.com.

• Jeff Mordock can be reached at jmordock@washingtontimes.com.

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