- The Washington Times - Friday, February 2, 2024

So let’s get this straight: If you’re a cop in New York City, and get beaten by a band of criminal migrants who’ve been allowed by Democrats to cross into the country illegally and to live at taxpayers’ expense in one of the city’s many hotels — then you have to just sit down and shut up when these thugs get bail?

Apparently. The story is this: A couple of police officers were recently assaulted and attacked, kicked in the head and punched by a band of migrants who are in New York because of the city’s sanctuary policies and are being housed in the city by taxpayers because of the city’s delusional Democrats and the White House’s anti-America Democrats. The attack was captured on video — and it was heart-wrenching. These are America’s defenders of community, after all, and watching as they’re surrounded by thugs and booted in the head and unable — because of Democrats’ open embrace of illegals and simultaneous denouncement of police — to defend themselves with effectiveness, is both an outrage and heartbreaker.

The outrage grows deeper when the thugs are let loose and freed to roam as they will, without consequence.

As CNN reported, at least seven were arrested for attacking two New York City Police Department officers outside a migrant shelter. All but one were released. Four were released and “given bus tickets by a faith-based charity and are en-route to Calexico, a California town on the US-Mexican border,” CNN wrote. One — 24-year-old Yohenry Brito, arrested and arraigned on two counts of second-degree assault and one count of second-degree obstructing governmental administration — is being held with bail. An assistant district attorney asked for Brito’s bail to be set at $15,000 because he’s had previous dealings with police — meaning, he’s got priors. He’s got priors, yet he’s still in the city, protected by Democrats’ sanctuary policies, housed by tax dollars taken by Democrats from the pockets of hard-working citizens to give to illegals. The madness gets worse. Five others arraigned for beating these police officers were released without bail.

And because of Joe Biden’s presidential outreach to all those who want to enter America illegally, and this White House administration’s protection of lawbreakers at the expense of those who are legal and obey laws, New York City law enforcement can’t do anything to ensure these five return to court for accountability.

“We have no legal authority to chase them or attempt to stop them,” an unnamed law enforcement official told CNN. “We have to assume they intend to return to court which, given the circumstances around their departure, seems unlikely.”

That it does.

Police are still searching for four others they believe participated in the beat-down of New York City’s finest. But really, why bother?

It’s not as if Democrats are going to allow these criminal migrants to stand trial for their criminal behaviors.

The truth is, Democrats don’t care about law and order. They don’t care about protecting the innocent citizen, or the hardworking police officer. They don’t care about preserving borders, implementing sound and common sense legal policy, and holding lawbreakers accountable for their actions. They don’t even care after someone’s been beat down in the street by illegals, by migrants, by thugs who’ve crossed into this country to advance their criminal endeavors and enterprises — even if the attacks are captured on camera and the rest of the country expresses shock and anger.

Democrats, at all costs, hold the line on enabling illegals and illegal behaviors.

From the New York City comptroller’s website, updated just this January: “Facts, Not Fear: How Welcoming Immigrants Benefits New York City.” They contribute to the economy, the city’s comptroller says. They just want jobs, the city’s comptroller says. They’re just looking for better opportunities for their families, and they give so much back to the economy, the city’s comptroller says.

The city’s comptroller went on to state, “As New York City welcomes over 100,000 new arrivals seeking asylum, it is critical to ground conversations on immigration in facts, not fear.”

Tell that to the two police officers just beaten by a gang of thugs in the middle of the day, in the middle of the street — and who are then treated to the oh-so-happy news their attackers are free and roaming, off and running to the next attack.

Democrats need a taste of their own policies. 

They’re not supportive of police; they’re not protective of police; they throw police to the wolves and mock the entire system of law and order. Truly, Democrats don’t deserve police protection. If there were only a way to strip the Democrats of police protection for, say, a week, so they could experience first-hand the folly and wickedness of their crime-enabling ways, maybe they’d stop their sanctuary city, open border, defund the police policies.

Until Democrats are themselves beaten in the street only to watch their attackers be released from jail without consequence, sadly, they will continue to side with lawbreakers and illegals and thugs.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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