- The Washington Times - Friday, February 2, 2024

Connecticut pinheads passed a law requiring at least one boy’s restroom between third and twelfth grades per public school to install a dispenser for free tampons, starting on or after September 1. A high school in Brookfield already complied. And about 20 minutes after it went up, boys, or a boy, tore it down. Now the school’s in process of reinstalling the tampon dispenser and punishing the offenders, or offender. 

Let’s be clear: some vandalism is warranted. God’s prophets tore down pagan statues and altars of worship all the time. In this case, in this Brookfield High School case, the destruction targets wickedness, and that’s always a good thing.

Here’s the backstory: The General Assembly in Connecticut, dominated by Democrats, of course, because they serve in the party of lunacy, passed a law in 2022 called the Menstrual Equity Law to “ensure that no student experiences stigma or shame in accessing menstrual products regardless of gender, ability, language or socioeconomic status,” the state Department of Public Health wrote on its webpage. Those with questions are encouraged to email — get this — EndPeriodPoverty@ct.gov. Oh Lord, make it stop. But it doesn’t. Then comes a link to a 25-page booklet called, “Guidance and FAQ: Menstrual Equity in Connecticut Public Schools.” Don’t bother; the stupid starts with the term “menstrual equity” and then rages on another 24 pages. Anyhow, fast forward to today and to Brookfield, and school administrators who were so enamored with the idea of winning the race to “Most Woke School Ever,” they couldn’t hold off until September 1. They had to get those tampon dispensers out to the boys right away.

“A dispenser with menstrual products was installed in the boys’ bathroom near the [main office],” said Marc Balanda, the principal, in an email to students, Fox 25 reported. “The installation was completed at 9:30. By 9:52, tampons were on the floor, the newly installed distribution box was ripped off the wall along with the masonry anchors and the distribution box itself was destroyed.”

As it should be.

But Balanda’s ticked.

“[This was an] egregious instance of vandalism and destruction of property,” he said, adding he was “disheartened” and “dismayed” and vowing “consequences” for the perpetrators — perpetrators described as “immature boys.” And this is where it gets a bit humorous. Boys? What boys?

It’s disingenuous to disregard genders when advancing a loony cause, like an LGBTQ push to pretend boys can be girls whenever they like — or them or they or what have you — but them immediately jump back to truth when it suits; immediately call out the suspects of a vandalism in a boy’s bathroom as “boys.”

Pick a delusion, please.

If boys can be girls and therefore need tampons, then it only makes sense that crimes committed in boys’ bathrooms cannot be attributed automatically to boys. 

Brookfield Schools Superintendent John Barile said the crime’s been “addressed with the student,” without providing any details, including how many students, and whether they were boys, or girls, or some combination thereof.

Balanda, meanwhile, is advocating for students to use words, not “your hands to destroy something.” And under normal circumstances, Balanda might have a point. Using words over violence always seems the sane and sensible route.

But these are not sane times.

Connecticut’s Democrats have shown that.

And no matter how many tampon dispensers are installed in boys’ bathrooms around the state, nay, around the country, it won’t change the fact that boys do to menstruate and therefore do not need tampons.

A rational mind knows that.

A godly mind knows that.

Teaching children as young as third grade to believe that God is not the creator of male and female — that humans can shape-shift into different forms and genders and sexes at will — is pride personified. It’s also evil. It’s also wickedly rebelling against God and teaching the youngest and most innocent of God’s creations to take part in this wicked rebellion.

In cases of such, tearing down the wickedness is fully warranted.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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