- The Washington Times - Friday, February 2, 2024

Israel isn’t just an important news story because of the October 7 terror attacks. Israel is the most important story because it was God’s plan from the beginning.

So says Matthew Faraci, founder and president of Gideon 300, a public affairs firm, who’s just traveled back from Israel where he saw the atrocities from the Hamas terror attack first-hand. And he’s right. All eyes should be on Israel; God’s certainly are and to dismiss that is to fall short of seeing His plan unwind in modern culture, politics and governments.

So what’s the most important thing for Americans concerned about Israel to do right now, post-October 7 terror attack?

From Faraci: Help stop the two-state solution nonsense, because it’s tantamount to calling for the death of Israel. 

Tune in for this important discussion with Matthew Faraci — and don’t forget to subscribe to Bold & Blunt!

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