Democratic operatives have so little regard for the American electorate that they use the same playbook repeatedly in their attempt to cover up deficiencies within their own ranks (“Schumer chalks up concerns over Biden’s age to ‘right-wing propaganda,’” web, Feb. 13).

In 2016, then-FBI Director James Comey castigated then-candidate Hillary Clinton on her handling and destroying of thousands of emails  but he concluded no reasonable prosecutor would charge her with the offense. How remarkably similar this is to the recent conclusions of special counsel Robert Hur, who said no jury would convict President Biden of retaining and disclosing classified documents because he has declining mental capabilities.

The contrast with the treatment given to former President Donald Trump could not be more obvious, which indicates that there might be some guidance within the FBI on how to avoid charging Democrats with breaking laws for which Republicans should be duly punished.

This behavior has been followed by a plethora of Democratic officials rushing to assure the public that they interact regularly with Mr. Biden and can attest to his mental sharpness. This is so clearly a poor attempt at a cover-up.

The American public has seen the sad decline of Mr. Biden for the past three years. No amount of fast talking by those wishing to retain power will convince us that the stumbling figure on our TV screens is truly running the country, nor that he could possibly be reelected.


Rockville Maryland

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