President Biden and his naive administration have the unmitigated gall to think that courting pop star Taylor Swift will get him reelected (“Taylor Swift to the rescue: Biden eyes celebrity endorsement stunt to boost reelection bid,” web, Jan. 30).

My advice to Ms. Swift: Stay out of politics or risk losing your fans. 

Another ploy to get votes is the open border, which Mr. Biden no doubt hopes will deliver him millions of future votes. He’s like a 3-year-old child who thinks his parents will feed and clothe him forever, not knowing the reality of life.

I wonder what will happen when all of these people are taxed to the max and made to spend their hard-earned money on the high costs of everything, only to end up living on the streets.

With the help of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Mr. Biden has left this country vulnerable to a mass of people who don’t believe in democracy because they are used to living under dictatorships. The latest show of appreciation for getting to be in our country? A reported gang of migrant youths kicking and beating two police officers in New York City. They said five were arrested and four were released without bail. Why?

This is what happens when the administration refuses to protect the American people. Not only is Mr. Biden a criminal for violating his oath of office, he is also an accessory before and after the fact to the deaths of thousands of people who have overdosed on fentanyl, brought here courtesy of his open borders.

A vote for Mr. Biden is a vote to kill more Americans, putting the last nail in America’s coffin.


Aiken, South Carolina 

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