- Thursday, August 8, 2024

Meditation in schools? Schools are offering these practices as a solution to stress, trials, and troubles including mental health issues.  “Mindfulness Programs,” are allegedly helpful to students especially in low-income areas where the students are facing higher levels of trauma according to a report from the Associated Press.

When you think about meditation, how would you define it? Would you think it is a healing technique useful for calming anxiety? I am a former new ager who practiced meditation on a regular basis. I would have recommended it not only for quieting your mind, but also to attain a higher frequency in order to channel whom I believed were deceased people.

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But, now as a saved Christian who understands the dangers of such new age practices, I know that meditation outside of biblical context is an extremely dangerous spiritual practice … even if you do not think you are doing anything spiritual.

Satan is the master of smoke and mirrors (2 Corinthians 11 :14-15). He will seize any opportunity to reel unknowing individuals in by twisting a practice like meditation in order to keep you far away from God. Now, unfortunately, our children are being targeted by the evil one and school systems are aiding Satan in his mission. The spiritual battle that the Bible tells us about in Ephesians 6:12 is happening in full force, and our culture is evidence of the influence of the evil one.

According to the AP report more and more schools are introducing new age practices to children. A school in Georgia is not only approving meditation, but is leading third grade children through guided meditation. I am so heartbroken by this, because I too was a child, vulnerable, and susceptible to the wiles of Satan. Smudging and yoga has been offered in schools and now meditation.

SEE ALSO: More U.S. schools are taking breaks for meditation. Teachers say it helps students’ mental health

Parents, it is vital to be aware of what these concepts truly are and learn how to protect your children.

New age meditation is emptying ones mind, shutting down, sometimes with ritualistic gestures, chants, and words spoken by a leader making suggestions of things to imagine while you are on this mental get away. The Bible tells us to be watchful and alert (1 Peter 5:8) because the devil prowls around like a lion seeking someone to devour. The enemy waits for opportune times to attack, and while you are on a mental get-a-way during meditation you are prime prey. Demonic doors are entrances to demonic forces who will reap destruction in the life of these children through these practices.

The Bible tells us to meditate on His word, which means to fill our minds, not empty them. Gods word is truth, when we meditate on Gods word we saturate our minds and hearts with the truth which is the most powerful spiritual weapon against these new age practices. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us again about the spiritual battle that is going on, and how we must have the knowledge of God in order to demolish pretensions, arguments and strongholds.

The devils agenda being executed in schools is so upsetting especially because I have to wonder what would happen if it was a suggestion to pray with these kids?

I honestly believe the idea of prayer groups rather than yoga, mediation, and burning white sage would be protested, scoffed at, and rejected. Our children need God, it is time for people not to be woke but to wake up spiritually.

School administrators are falling into the lies promoted in our society about yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. Deception is the name of the game. I believe they want to help the kids, yet are spiritually blind to the realties of these new age practices. The world is quick to push doctrines of demons like yoga which is a Hindu spiritual practice that worships false deities. It is common day practice now to run to these ideologies for help, being prescribed by doctors, seen in Disney movies, cartoons, movies, and social media. The ideas may appear to be trendy and a cure-all remedy but I can assure you that demons cannot and do not want to help you. Temporary gratification, false peace and lack of fulfillment is what will be delivered. Promises of healing are just lies.

I speak on these topics because I know the illusion of these enticing “love and light” ideas is just the cover up for the sinister agenda of the enemy. Allowing children to get involved with all of these demonic practices puts them on the path to destruction. Underneath the healing promise is a darkness that leads to demonic oppression and eternal condemnation.

Jesus is our solution, for true peace, comfort and joy despite the troubles we face in this world. Lets teach our children to go to God, the one who created all things who has authority over all things. Jesus is the way the truth and the life! (John 14:6).

I pray you consider what I’ve said and do your research on new age practices and the impact they can have on you spiritual well being. I was saved by Jesus after many years of being in the new age and occult. The doors were open for me as a child. I know what I know not from research, but from living it. I am a walking testimony of who God is, and how He is the only way off of the new age hamster wheel that these children are being introduced to. Jesus is your hope, I pray for all parents, I pray for the lost consumed by these practices, and I pray for the administrations of these schools.


Jenn Nizza is a former psychic who is the host of the website Ex Psychic Saved. Jenn has published two books, hosts a podcast. Read her book “From Psychic to Saved” and follow her on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.  Jenn has been featured on “The Michael Knowles Show,” “The 700 Club,” “The Spillover with Alex Clark”, “CBN,” “The Counter Culture Mom” and many more.

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