- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 7, 2024

If Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and other Democrats really want to protect democracy, they will seek inspiration by casting their eyes from the Senate chamber to 1 First St. NE.

That’s the address of the Supreme Court. Six conservative justices work there under constant assault from a Nicolas Maduro-like President Biden and Mr. Schumer, a New Yorker who is famous for threatening them with “you won’t know what hit you.”

But the 6-3 court toiled on, even when dangerous, stalking protesters surrounded their homes, and Attorney General Merrick Garland did little.

The six just issued the court’s most pro-democratic decision in decades.

In overturning the 40-year Chevron precedent, the six took power from regulators and gave federal judges new sway to clarify fuzzy law language instead of letting bureaucrats do creative writing.

The full impact will be that the democratically elected Congress will play a more active role in writing precise legislative directives and updating laws, not through regulation but through actual roll-call votes.

This will restrict the ability of unelected bureaucrats to write new wholesale legislation on their iPhones and send their leftist edicts to the White House, where a befuddled Mr. Biden is handed a piece of paper to sign as if it were a new law.

In June, Mr. Schumer reacted to Chevron in a way that illustrates that Democrats have gone nuts: “The Trump MAGA Supreme Court has once again sided with powerful special interests and giant corporations against the middle class and American families. Their headlong rush to overturn 40 years of precedent and impose their own radical views is appalling.”

Actually, the 6-3 court is good for democracy and bad for Democratic Party power junkies such as Mr. Schumer.

As Hans von Spakovsky, a legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, told me: “The 6-3 court is essential to preserving our democratic republic because the three liberal justices see no reason to restrain an all-powerful central government, as their recent dissents demonstrate. If they were in the majority, the essential amendments of the Bill of Rights would be gutted.”

Mr. Biden has already shown that he will rewrite the law.

Title IX is the 1972 education-centered civil rights law that gave women equal access to campus activities. Mr. Biden substantially rewrote it by adding a transgender category, something not remotely in Title IX. This immediately spurred legal challenges. Most federal judges to date have ruled he violated the Constitution.

Mr. Biden also keeps repaying $400 billion in student loan debt even though the six justices ruled in 2023 that he needed Congress, which the Constitution empowers, to appropriate taxpayer money.

Mr. Biden has ignored democracy and the highest court, keeps trying to buy an election and brags about going around the justices, like Mr. Maduro, Venezuela’s dictator, would.

To understand why New York City, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Biden and other leftists are so angry, you have to understand today’s Democratic Party. Heeding the agendas of left-wing billionaire donors, they are on an unrelenting power high to turn our lives over to party rule.

The 6-3 Supreme Court stands in their way.

Stalin would have exterminated them. Mr. Biden and Mr. Schumer routinely belittle, harass and threaten the nation’s highest court.

On July 29, Mr. Biden launched his own legislative drone strike to turn 1 First St. NE into a busy politburo rubber-stamping left-wing policies. The judicial branch of government — the checks and balances the founders envisioned — would be a branch of the Democratic National Committee.

As a backdrop, this is what Democrats have been doing with help from liberal media: downgrading citizenship at the grassroots level so anyone can vote, flooding the country with illegal immigrants. Democrats want them voting quickly.

It goes on. Through their embedded allies, the teachers unions, Democrats are brainwashing children into “woke” robots. They are indoctrinating government and corporations with a list of autocratic acronyms, such as DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) that dictate what they can think and say, how they can get promoted and how to discriminate against people who don’t fit.

Meanwhile, to control information, Democrats have launched a well-financed campaign to censor conservatives’ competing ideas and information.

Also meanwhile, New York Democrats and Merrick Garland’s Justice Department have turned American justice into a hunt-Trump sporting event to eliminate Mr. Biden’s (now Kamala Harris’) main political rival: former President Donald Trump.

Here, too, the 6-3 Supreme Court stepped in to protect all presidents from being forever hounded by partisan prosecutors such as the ones in New York and Washington.

Mr. Schumer outdid himself in outrage.

“American democracy stands today at a perilous crossroads,” he said.

Here are the American heroes standing up to Mr. Biden and Mr. Schumer: Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

Justice Kavanaugh came close to death in June 2022. An armed Nicholas Roske traveled to his suburban Washington home intent on murder by gunshot and knife. Arrested at the scene, he is charged with attempted murder.

Mr. Biden is good at destroying things, so why not the Supreme Court?

Congress gave him billions of dollars to build hundreds of thousands of electric vehicle chargers. The feds have built less than a dozen as he pushes automakers to build more electric cars. His $42 billion broadband internet bill has not hooked up a single household. He opted for a $500 million pier in the Gaza Strip, and it got swept away. He empowered Iran, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and other terrorists, brought back inflation and turned our border into a drug cartel fantasyland.

Here’s a scoop: When Mr. Biden’s Title IX rewrite reaches the Supreme Court, the six justices will overturn it, too. They will protect democracy, and Mr. Schumer will get really mad.

• Rowan Scarborough is a columnist with The Washington Times.

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