Progressives run cities into the ground for sport, and now Democrats have a presidential ticket that will do the same to our country (“Harris introduces running mate Walz to nation as midwestern, middle-class warrior,” web, Aug. 6).

It’s not that they are bad people; it’s just that their ideas are often at odds with reality. To wit: Boys can be girls, men can menstruate and get pregnant, cities can function without police, we can print money and spend our way to prosperity.

It’s all just a warm-up to the idea that progressives can serve up a utopia by redistributing other people’s stuff. And when the package they deliver doesn’t match the promises they’ve made, they look for a devil to blame. That will be us.

With Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, we have our first “woke,” Marxist ticket. In the coming months, we are certain to hear promises of equality, justice, and an end to want and need. All make for a great virtue signal, but the progressive policies always end in bifurcated societies with a privileged elite lording over a crushing poverty that engulfs everyone else. Gone is the middle class.

Prosperity hucksters are pikers compared to the swill Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz will be selling in the coming months. The empty promises of a utopia will only succeed if voters are not grounded in reality and an understanding of history and human nature. Otherwise, Americans risk making the same tragic mistake that has led so many others to end up at our southern border.


Mount Vernon, Virginia

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