- Monday, August 5, 2024

It came as no surprise that within hours of Kamala Harris being coronated by the Democratic Party machine, George Soros and his son Alex were among the first to declare their support for the vice president.

Ms. Harris was the original “Soros prosecutor” — before Soros prosecutors were uncool.

Mr. Soros and his PACs have spent hundreds of millions of dollars supporting liberal, soft-on-crime causes, including district attorney races, all over the United States. Larry Krasner in Philadelphia. Alvin Bragg in Manhattan. George Gascon in Los Angeles. Kim Foxx in Chicago. And scores more. All are insults to law and order. All are insults to law enforcement. All are insults to public safety. And the cities they serve are on fire, fraught with crime, violence and lawlessness.

The Soros prosecutor seeks only to get into power with Mr. Soros’ money, then serves by refusing to prosecute criminals, selectively enforcing laws for political purposes, insisting that criminals be immediately released from custody regardless of public safety concerns, and seeking to cut funding to police departments.

Ms. Harris, the original Soros prosecutor, forged the blueprint for Mr. Soros to undermine America’s justice system. The self-proclaimed progressive prosecutor had a troubled tenure in the law, drafted Mr. Soros’ designs for promoting soft-on-crime lawyers and put them in positions to take a wrecking ball to the justice system. Through her legal and political career, she was inconsistent on criminal justice issues, refused to fight for victims of violent crime, fought for cashless bail and used the justice system for her political benefit.

After graduating from the 82nd best law school in the country and failing the bar exam, Ms. Harris began her career in the Alameda County, California, District Attorney’s Office (now occupied by Soros prosecutor Pam Price). The self-proclaimed “career prosecutor” is anything but, having stood in front of a jury on her cases only a handful of times. Rather than going to trial like real career prosecutors, Ms. Harris spent most of her time sitting on boards, handling motions and misdemeanors and dating politician Willie Brown.

Always seeking more political power, Ms. Harris ran for San Francisco district attorney in 2002, and with Mr. Brown’s support, she won. On Ms. Harris’ watch, the homicide rate in San Francisco was at all times higher than the homicide rates of both California and the nation. When a gang member murdered a San Francisco police officer, Ms. Harris refused to pursue the death penalty despite the uproar by the police department and the late Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who criticized Ms. Harris for her selective refusal.

When an illegal immigrant and MS-13 gang member slaughtered a man and his two sons, Ms. Harris refused to seek capital punishment, calculating politics over justice. Despite the rising, untenable violence in her city, Ms. Harris selectively focused instead on threatening parents with jail if their kids were truant.

The Soros prosecutor blueprint requires constant advancement, which Ms. Harris did when she was elected California attorney general in 2010. On her watch as state AG, like when she was district attorney, California’s homicide rate outpaced the nation’s in her first three years as attorney general and was never significantly under the national homicide rate. Ms. Harris also defied Supreme Court orders and fought to keep nonviolent offenders locked up in prisons that were so crowded and unsafe that the court ruled they violated the Eighth Amendment at its 200% capacity.

Ms. Harris never tried a case as the district attorney or attorney general. She has spent twice as much time running for office as she did as a line prosecutor.

Once Ms. Harris reached the U.S. Senate, she again shifted with the political winds and advocated ending cash bail. She advocated cutting police funding. She supported funding groups that were posting bail for lawless rioters out of jail in the summer of 2020 who would then go on to commit murder, rape and other offenses. She said illegal immigrants are not “illegal.” Soft on crime. Soft on consequences. Soft on victims.

Now, she is running for president, posing as a seasoned prosecutor, which rang as hollow then as it does now.

Kamala Harris’ career is littered with a lack of respect for equal justice under law, with considerations of politics over her oath. Much the way Ms. Harris ran San Francisco and California into the cesspool that it is in now, her career path provided George Soros the building blocks to design a plan to destroy the justice system in America’s great cities. Mr. Soros did not have to look very hard for a blueprint to ruin America’s criminal justice system. 

He needed only to follow Kamala Harris’ career.

• Jay Town is a career prosecutor, U.S. Marine, former U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Alabama and current vice president and general counsel at Gray Analytics Inc.

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