When the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. “dreamed” of the day that his children would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, he articulated the hope of every Black parent for their children. At the time he spoke his famous words, the advancement of Black people and other minorities was confined to “firsts,” individuals whose talents were recognized by Whites as being superior to their own. Examples include Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall and Condoleezza Rice.

As a result, rank-and-file members of the Black community supported these people and cheered them on. But now racist White individuals and self-promoting, shortsighted Black people are seeking to make skin color — not competence — the criterion for career advancement and high-level appointments. This endangers us all.

A perfect example of this was President Biden’s nomination earlier this year of Phillip Washington to head the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Washington’s only aviation experience was a stint of under two years as an airport director. His background simply did not prepare him for the complexities of the job given to him. The Senate was not going to confirm him; he withdrew from consideration.

An even newer example by the Democratic Party is the nomination of Kamala Harris for president. Everyone knows full well that Ms. Harris is unqualified for the office based on her poor performance as vice president. Yet the Black community is being pressured to vote for her simply because of her race and gender. Do not be deceived. Voting for Ms. Harris will mean more of the same or worse. Neither her race nor gender will make any difference.


Gambrills, Maryland

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