- The Washington Times - Monday, August 26, 2024

One lawmaker has identified a certain winning trait in political candidates — and that is “grit.”

Rep. Kat Cammack, Florida Republican, has revealed her second round of endorsements for upcoming fall elections through her American Grit PAC, a political action committee dedicated to electing “hard-working, every day Americans that have real-world experience to Congress,” according to a mission statement.

And the latest candidates? They are Derrick Anderson, from Virginia, Scott Baugh of California, Laurie Buckhout of North Carolina and Derek Merrin of Ohio.

“With the general election quickly approaching, I’m proud to put my support behind these four hard-working candidates and add them to our growing list of 2024 endorsements. These candidates represent the very best of the next wave of conservative leadership in Congress. The American Grit PAC works to identify candidates who reflect the everyday fabric of our nation — moms and dads, veterans, small business owners, farmers, first responders, and beyond,” Ms. Cammack said in a written statement shared with Inside the Beltway.

“My time serving in Congress and my own blue-collar background have equipped me with the tools necessary to fight on behalf of my constituents and the American people in Washington, and I know our latest round of candidates will do everything they can to promote common sense, transparency, and accountability in the House. I look forward to supporting them throughout their races, and I’m eager to welcome them to the 119th Congress,” she said.

Find more information at americangritpac.com.


One pro-life organization has offered a review of the robust gathering of Democrats in Chicago in recent days.

“Democrats flaunted their extreme abortion positions loudly and proudly throughout the Democratic National Convention. Nearly every speech, media interview and march was used as an opportunity to underscore their support for abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, which is grossly out of line with the majority of Americans who support common sense limits on abortion,” a new memo released Monday by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America said.

The group was founded in 1992 as “the political arm of the pro-life movement,” according to its mission statement.

“As abortion is a central issue in campaigns across the country, it’s important to highlight how fringe the Democratic Party has become. They still can’t find a protection for the unborn or a limit on abortion that they can accept. The old party line that abortion should be ’safe, legal and rare’ has been replaced with brazen support for taking unborn human life at any stage for any reason,” the organization’s memo said.

It also offered a recap of “five outrageous things Democrats said and did during the DNC’s abortion-palooza that show they’ve gone off the ledge on abortion.”

Find the organization at sbaprolife.org.


The Heritage Foundation’s national security and defense experts took a moment on Monday to pay tribute to those who were killed in the Aug. 26, 2021, suicide bombing at Kabul International Airport in Afghanistan.

“The bombing occurred amid the disastrous Biden-Harris administration’s withdrawal from the region,” the foundation said.

“We will never forget the 13 U.S. service members whose lives were lost in the barbaric terrorist attack on Abbey Gate during the chaotic surrender of Kabul. Negligence by the Biden-Harris administration led to this unnecessary sacrifice of some of our best and brightest,” Victoria Coates, vice president of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at Heritage, said in a written statement.

“Vice President Kamala Harris has touted herself as being ‘the last person in the room’ with President Joe Biden, advising him on the disastrous decision to abruptly abandon Afghanistan to the Taliban with no coordination with our NATO allies or [discernible] strategy in place. President Biden and Vice President Harris’ advice led to death and defeat in Afghanistan and the United States can’t afford their naivete on national security,” Ms. Coates said.

“Two years after the disastrous withdrawal from Kabul where 13 Americans were killed at Abbey Gate, the Taliban paraded abandoned U.S. military equipment reminding us of the steep costs of embarrassingly bad decisions made by the Biden-Harris administration. The Biden-Harris administration has returned control of Afghanistan to the Taliban — now the best equipped terrorist state in history. The 2,459 U.S. military personnel and 20,769 wounded in action in Afghanistan did not serve for this end result,” said Robert Greenway, director of the Heritage’s Allison Center for National Security, also in a statement.

“ISIS is rebuilding, Al-Qaeda is resurgent, the administration is reportedly paying the Taliban $30-40 million a week, and we’ve not conducted an ’over the horizon’ counterterrorism strike since the withdrawal,” he said.

Find the organization at Heritage.org.


• 8% of U.S. adults say it is “very likely” that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will lead to a wider war in Europe.

• 28% say it is “fairly likely” that the invasion will lead to a wider war in Europe.

• 28% say it is “not very likely” that the invasion will lead to a wider war.

• 5% say it is “not at all likely” the invasion will lead to a wider war.

• 8% say the invasion has already led to a wider war in Europe.

• 22% are “not sure” about the issue.

SOURCE: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,565 U.S. adults conducted online Aug. 17-20.

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• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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