- Saturday, August 24, 2024

This week at the Democratic National Convention, the BBC conducted one of the most epic interviews in the history of political conventions. If you have not seen it, here’s how it went down.

During a break in activity, as Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” played in the background, a BBC journalist approached a White man in the crowd wearing a rainbow-colored Rastafarian cap. The man also wore a black mask under his chin and a blue “Harris for President” T-shirt. The reporter opened the interview by asking the presumed delegate, “What brought you out here today?”

“Well, listen, my name is Noah Schwartz,” the delegate responded. “I use the/they pronouns. I’m just really excited. We have the first Black woman who could be the president of the United States. And you know my wife and I, right, we’re in a polyamorous relationship, so the lover that my wife took is African American, and, like, I’ve learned so much about the struggle that people of color go through as the result of my wife’s boyfriend. So, I’m excited to really do my part to show solidarity with the marginalized community, and the best way to do that is to get the first woman of color to be the commander In chief. I’m really excited. I’m so pumped.”

At this point, the interviewer asked, “Were you this pumped and excited when Joe Biden was the nominee?”

Mr. Schwartz eagerly continued: “I mean, I would vote for a corpse over voting for Donald Trump because he is a disgusting, fascist, white supremacist pig. But now we really get to make history. We have, you know, like I said, we have the first woman of color to be President of the United States, and like, you know, our country was founded on the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and nothing embodies those values more than a Kamala Harris presidency. So, I’m pumped, and I am ready! I am so excited. I am a proud White dude for Kamala Harris, baby! Let’s go!”

The BBC journalist concluded, “Have you seen any excitement at [any other] Democratic event[s] like in this stadium?”

Mr. Schwartz answered: “Listen, this is amazing. The only way you could generate more excitement is maybe if you had an artist or a celebrity open for Kamala. No, like, this is amazing. This is like a celebrity level of excitement. This is a rock star. And then the thing I’m the happiest about when it comes to a Kamala Harris presidency — it’s the economy. I’m really excited about how she finally wants to put a cap on prices at the grocery store. And, you know, like, look, even if price controls may lead to shortages of food and basic goods, you know, shortages will lead to rationing, and rationing, that leads to equity, and we need to be a more equitable place in America to dismantle our legacy of White supremacy. So, thank you for hearing my voice and so many voices like me.”

In case you missed it, Mr. Schwartz just checked every box of the crazed Harris-Walz agenda.

The virtue signaling of wearing useless masks — check.

The obligatory tipping of the hat to the 57 genders of the rainbow — check.

The lunacy of using plural pronouns for one’s singular identity — check.

The obsession with race and color over and above character and credentials — check.

The degradation of marriage and destruction of the nuclear family — check.

The neo-Marxist emphasis on social and economic conflict — check.

The divide-and-conquer strategy of diversity, equity and inclusion — check.

The Orwellian demonization of your opponent through emotional arguments and propaganda — check.

The elevation of celebrities to godlike status — check.

The Maoist agenda of price controls, redistribution and rationing — check.

The acknowledgment that the resulting chaos will be beneficial to the totalitarian goals of the state — check.

You might rightly ask what the response to this interview was. Well, you guessed it. Of the millions who saw it on X, the common refrain was, “Do we really want these idiots running our country?”

But here’s the thing: Mr. Schwartz isn’t real. His real name is Alex Strenger, and he’s an entertainer and business owner from Texas who infiltrated the Democratic convention to pull off this parody.

So why is this newsworthy? Here’s why.

Mr. Strenger brilliantly highlighted something we all know to be true: Almost every Democrat at this convention could have, would have and probably has said the same thing. This is who they are. They actually believe this nonsense, and they’re excited about it.

One of the rules of satire is that it must have a good measure of truth in it to be funny. Mr. Strenger’s performance was 99.999% true, and it was hilarious. Kudos to Alex Strenger for one of the most epic trolls ever.

Everett Piper (dreverettpiper.com, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery).

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