- Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dear Dr. E: I am curious to know what your thoughts are regarding this week’s Democrat Convention. Do you agree with those calling themselves “Evangelicals for Harris?” And if not, why not? Can faithful Christians support the Harris-Walz ticket? — POLITICAL JUNKIE FROM LOS ANGELES

Dear Political: Aside from the fact that voting for Harris-Walz means you’re voting for the infanticide of Planned Parenthood, the misogyny of drag queens, the sexual exploitation of children in your public schools, and the impoverishment of millions through mass inflation, you’re also voting for something equally unbiblical: the division of the American people and degradation of what it means to be a human being. 

Just look at the divisive rhetoric already featured in nearly every speech in Chicago. We have heard the same thing from almost every speaker. The us-against-them agenda, driven by the neo-Marxist ideology of intersectionality and critical race theory, is pervasive. 

The constant drumbeat of the Democrat party is that of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, height, weight, religion, age, and whatever else balkanizes us into competing groups with irreconcilable demands. 

This “give-me-mine tribalism” is the antithesis of Christ’s definition of His Church. Every Christian knows that our true identity isn’t found in race, gender, socio-economic status, or nationality. As the Apostle Paul told us, “We are neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free.” From its inception, the Church included men and women, rich and poor, seasoned apostles, and new converts. All these people were from various nationalities and ethnic groups. There was clearly every potential for them to focus on what divided them. They could have started talking about diversity and multiculturalism. They could have started lecturing each other about critical race theory, diversity, equity, and inclusion. They could have focused on intersectionality and how one group was privileged at the expense of another. But we hear none of that. Why? 

The answer is simple. The first Church understood that unity is more important than diversity and that the Body’s cohesion is more important than individual parts. They sold what they had and gave it to others, not because they were socialists but because of their Savior. They didn’t give up their wealth because they thought everyone deserved their fair share. They gave all they had because they knew that no one deserved anything! The bottom line was they knew it wasn’t about them. 

Forget what the Democrats are telling you. They’re lying. They may say they want unity, but their obvious goal is to create further division. Pay attention to the common thread in their agenda. Rather than working to bring us together, they constantly focus on the very things that divide us. While saying they’re anti-racists, they pigeonhole people by the color of their skin. While calling for bipartisanship, they castigate anyone who holds different beliefs than their own. While claiming to accept all people as they are, they reject those who do not conform. They call for people to come together while basing their entire political calculation on driving them further apart. 

The Christian worldview is the exact opposite. Ours is a vision of uniting rather than dividing. The Church’s history is one of a people of differing backgrounds who came together, unified, and with a common purpose to fight for human dignity and personal freedom because they believe in a God bigger than themselves. What our founders held in common was of far greater value than any of their differences. They understood the paradox that the more a government focuses on what the individual is owed, the more all individuals will be owned by that government. 

Our freedom is clearly under attack, and the charge is being led by some very evil people who know very well that the way to more power is through more division. They know “a cord of one strand can be broken and a cord of three cannot.” They know that the rope’s strength is found in the unity of its strands.

Followers of Christ welcome and include everyone of all backgrounds, races, and sexes, but we see beyond the differences and division. We understand that there is no “I” in “team.” We know that when we stop talking about diversity and instead focus on unity, we quickly forget about ourselves and can think almost exclusively about Christ and His Church. 

Democrats, on the other hand, can’t stop talking about everyone’s differences. They segregate, and they divide. The irony, however, is that their incessant naval gazing is always self-defeating. If all you care about is getting your rights and your constant focus is little more than your identity, then at the end of the day, you’ll get exactly what you wanted: your individuality in your own little corner of hell.  

If you are seeking guidance in today’s changing world, Higher Ground is there for you. Everett Piper, a Ph.D. and a former university president and radio host, takes your questions in his weekly ’Ask Dr. E’ column. If you have moral or ethical questions for which you’d like an answer, please email askeverett@washingtontimes.com and he may include it in a future column.

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