- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 21, 2024

CHICAGO — The big news out of Chicago is that Kamala Harris won the necessary number of votes to make her party’s coup against Joe Biden valid and to formally usher her into the picture as the genuine Democrat Party pick for president.

“This is a people power campaign and together we will chart a new way forward,” Harris said from the convention floor Tuesday evening, after winning the votes.

Yeah. How nice.

But the big news to the rest of the country is that the Bureau of Labor Statistics so missed the mark on reporting job creation numbers that the agency revised downward by about, oh, say, 818,000 jobs. That’s not just a head-scratcher. That’s entering fraud territory.

This is the very same statistic the Democrats have been touting as their golden key to winning the White House. And voila. Like a puff of smoke blown from Hunter Biden’s crack pipe, the jobs are gone. Disappeared. Where’d they go? Somebody get Waldo — stat.

“Fed Confronts Up to a Million US Jobs Vanishing in Revision,” Bloomberg wrote in one headline.

“US job growth in the year through March was likely far less robust than initially estimated, which risks fueling concerns that the Federal Reserve is falling further behind the curve to lower interest rates,” Bloomberg wrote.

Yes. There’s a whole ripple effect that could tear at the fabric of the carefully crafted cloak of lies the Democrats have been weaving for three-plus years now — beginning with the red-face skulking all the little leftists will have to do until they can come up with another lie to beat the truly robust and genuinely flourishing economic numbers from Donald Trump; you know, the ones he can actually campaign on and claim as a success. How’s a poor word salad-afflicted White House wanna-be Kamala to compete now?

“Today’s jobs report shows that our economy continues to lead the world,” said House Budget Committee ranking member Rep. Brendan Boyle, back in April, when jobs creation was bragged at 15 million.

“With the numbers from March in, we have officially crossed 15 million jobs created under President Biden — that is more jobs created in a single term than any president in history,” Boyle went on.

All lies.

“Thanks to the investments passed by Democrats in Congress and signed into law by President Biden, the American economy has roared back from the pandemic stronger than ever,” Boyle continued.

Lies. Lies again.

Boyle was simply expressing the Democrats’ talking points.

“President Biden: Highest job creation for a president ever,” Rep. Bill Pascrell wrote in all capital letters on X in April.

And this, from none other than former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, just a couple of months ago: “Joe Biden, as president, under his presidency and our [Democrats’] infusion of resources into the economy —15 million jobs. What’s-his-name? [I.e., Donald Trump] The worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover.”

Take that away, and what have the Democrats got for campaign wins? Not Afghanistan. Not foreign policy. Not education reform. Not border control. Not national security. Not inflation.

Hello, truthful jobs report. Hello, recession.

With the surprise disappearance of 818,000 jobs, fewer consumers are spending; fewer businesses are expanding; the downward cycle begins.

“Since Vice President Harris and I took office, our economy has created nearly 16 million jobs, average unemployment has been lower than during any administration in 50 years, and incomes have risen faster than prices,” Biden said in a statement from the White House back in July, Fox Business reported.

He directly tied Harris to this quote, unquote “success” — which has now been outed as a failure. 

But meanwhile, the Democrats march on; meanwhile, the convention waxes cheery. No wonder Democrats don’t want Harris to hold press conferences. She has enough trouble speaking sensibly and coherently about matters of fluff. Addressing something as significant and meaningful to voters as to what a Harris administration might do to counter the false jobs statistics from the BLS — well, that’s not quite her area of expertise.

We already heard her solution to rising food prices: ordering the big bad businesses to stop raising food prices. One can imagine a similar scenario with jobs: ordering the capitalist pig businesses to hire more people.

The BLS isn’t supposed to politicize its data. An investigation will clarify whether or not that happened with this downward revision, the largest in 15 years, and overnight loss of 818,000 jobs. Congress can ask those questions. Honest politicians can pursue those answers. But regardless, Democrats need to do better with matters that matter to American citizens — with basic matters such as grocery prices and fuel costs and housing and taxes and paychecks that don’t get sucked down the drain of inflation. 

“Harris leads Trump overall but not on handling of the economy: POLL,” ABC News just wrote.

“While voters think Kamala Harris has empathy, she struggles on key issues of economy,” ABC News also just wrote.

Right. Empathy doesn’t pay the mortgage. Neither do fake jobs.

Democrats can cheer all they want in Chicago at the convention. But come November, voters won’t care about the convention song and dance so much as how much they just paid for dinner that evening and for gas the next morning, and whether they have an actual, physical, genuine job to drive to the next day.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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