- The Washington Times - Friday, August 16, 2024

Democrats have gone on the defensive to even their usual fawners in the press, telling the public that their pick for president, Kamala Harris, is indeed accessible to voters; is indeed accessible to the media; is indeed planning on press conferences where she’ll field real questions from real people and give real answers in return.

Well, isn’t that special.

But as a strategy to win the White House, keeping Kamala hidden is probably the better political ploy. 

“Why don’t many voters like US Vice President Kamala Harris?” The Sacramento Bee asked in July.

“Is Kamala Harris the Worst Thing that Could Happen to America?” U.S. News asked that same month. And in partial answer, that same publication also wrote, “There’s a lot to recommend the vice president — if people would pay attention to what she does, not how she laughs or if she gaffes.”

That’s from the supposed friendly press.

Things have only gotten worse for her since.

The more she talks, the more she reveals the utter nonsense that occupies her mind.

“She is hollow,” comedian Tim Dillon of “The Tim Dillon Show” said, as The Blaze noted. “She tries on different accents, she has different sayings, she makes up family members that don’t exist, you know, ‘My aunt used to say that the future is just the past,’” Dillon continued.

It’s not just her word salads.

It’s that she sticks with the same word salad, day after day after day.

Her go to? “What can be, unburdened by what has been” — please, make it stop. 

“‘Get some new material,’” one Sky News commentator said, during a playback of Harris’s now-famous phrase uttered over and over and over — and over.

“Kamala Harris Says The Same Thing,” one TikTok headline read.

“Kamala Harris repeats same expression four times in speech loop,” The Independent wrote.

“Kamala Harris mocked for repeating several word salads,” Fox News wrote on Facebook.

“Kamala Harris roasted for word salad speeches in late night skit: ’Speaking without thinking,’” Fox News also wrote.

That’s her particular brand of politicking: spouting off absent care or concern of content — all the intellectualism of a Chinese fortune in a cookie. Confucius say; Kamala say. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Democrats have it right by keeping her as quiet as possible.

“Would it kill you guys to have a press conference?” CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Harris communications director Michael Tyler this week, Breitbart wrote.

“Why hasn’t she had a press conference?” Acosta asked.

“[A] campaign rally is not a press conference. Why hasn’t she had a press conference?” Acosta asked again.

“One interview [scheduled] by the end of the month; that is not a lot. Can you commit to the press conference by the end of the month?” Acosta asked again.

And Tyler, in several responses, basically said: blah, blah, yada, yada, spin, spin, spin.

The reason Harris isn’t holding press conferences and sit-downs and public Q&As is she can’t handle them. Even scripted, she speaks salad. Facing off-the-cuff queries would prove her mental prowess even worse than suspected.

America’s already done the brain dead with Joe Biden.

Is it really too much to ask that the next president of the United States be able to at least string sentences together in a coherent manner? The American people surely deserve that. Confucius say: No more Kamala.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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