- Saturday, August 10, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate for the upcoming elections. Why should it matter to followers of Jesus Christ?

When Christians recognize that the spiritual and the political are not mutually exclusive, then they should realize that they should be salt and light everywhere.

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I think it’s best to start by delving into Mr. Walz’s political profile and follow the trail. In 2020, Mr. Walz permitted Minneapolis to burn for days before intervening, aligning with virtue signaling over virtue governing. The result was over 1,000 buildings burned or damaged, hundreds and hundreds of businesses destroyed, and a city left in ruin. During that same time, instead of defending law and order, he supported the defunding of law and order.

Speaking of things out of order, he supports gender transitioning for children, which is political euphemism for child abuse, including surgical and chemical castration; to that end, Mr. Walz advocates for men in women’s sports and spaces in the name of diversity, which again is the politically correct way to protect depravity.

And before anyone attempts to post an article about Mr. Walz providing free lunches for kids, please spare me the double think. It is incongruent to feed the belly of a child while at the same time supporting the murder of the child in the belly.

SEE ALSO: Walz oversaw worst pandemic fraud in nation; $250 million stolen from program to feed kids

During the COVID pandemic, Mr. Walz shut down churches while allowing protests and pandemonium to fill the streets. I am of the strong opinion that cities were on fire during that season because pulpits lost their fire.

These progressive and evil ideologies make the Harris and Walz ticket the most diabolical in America’s history. Even after citing all these dangerous policies, many people will rebut, “Former President Trump is mean!” And oh yea, “He is a convicted felon!” Well, so am I.

These aforementioned facts are not a political endorsement for the Republican Party. They have their deep and immoral flaws as well, but we cannot draw a moral equivalency between the two parties. Gone are the days where that can be argued.

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (a solid Christian woman), who served with Mr. Walz, remarked: “Tim Walz is a radical’s radical. I went to Congress with Tim Walz in 2006 and served with him for eight years. On the outside, he looks like an awe-shucks, back-slapping, nice guy politician, when in fact, he is as radical as AOC or more… Mr. Walz passed the strongest transgender protection bill in the country and the strongest pro-abortion bill in the country… He was chosen because the Islamic community pressured Harris to ditch Jewish Shapiro [governor of Pennsylvania], who had served in the IDF [Israeli Defense Force] – her Islamic backers wouldn’t have that.”

Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, author, and politician who served as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (and a solid Christian man) posted on X (formerly Twitter): “Tim Walz enabled the burning of Minneapolis. Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund for those who lit the fires. I said yesterday that Kamala = Chavez. Kamala + Walz = Venezuela 2.0.”

SEE ALSO: While other governors were lowering taxes, Walz socked Minnesotans with slew of tax hikes

So, what does this reveal about where we are as a nation?

Well, let me first begin where judgment begins – at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). The Lord is separating the sheep from the goats and wheat from tares. Progressive Christianity (which is not Christianity at all) has helped usher in the great aWOKEning. It is because of weak and woke pastors (aka impostors) that truth has been compromised and the light of the gospel has been hijacked by the gospel of gaslighting. Failure to expose the evil ideologies of our day has allowed such lies to live loud in broad daylight. And because of the propaganda machine of the Marxist Mainstream Media, which seems to be the public relations arm of the Democratic Party, many Americans have been deceived.

This is the basis of my new booklet, “Discerning The Devil’s Playbook:The Four Plays From Nazi  Germany Currently At Play In America.” And yes, this is a shameless plug because I believe the content of the booklet can help Christians discern the war strategies of the devil and remind us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). Understanding this is a spiritual conflict should not prevent us from engaging in the political contest. The spiritual and political are not mutually exclusive. In fact, if there was ever a time to redeem the word “inclusive,” it would be now and in this regard.

The Church must include its faith in the public place. We must remember there is no space that does not conclusively include the authority of King Jesus. To be truly inclusive, we must assert the presence and influence of our faith in all areas of life, recognizing that Christ’s authority permeates every aspect of society. By doing so, we uphold the truth of God’s Word and counter the deception of the world.

To be clear, I do not believe there will be a national revival without national repentance. I do not believe a person or political party can save America or even make her great. I do not believe the election in November will somehow bring us back to normalcy. In fact, I believe these times will only get worse, and evil will only get more aggressive. But I believe we must do our part as salt and light. Salt delays decay. Light pushes darkness away. Righteousness exalts a nation. And righteousness cannot be realized apart from repentance.

So, we pray for our nation. We pray for the Church to be awakened. We pray that the Lord would have mercy. We pray, because prayer is not partisan. Prayer is the language of heaven. This is where we are at in this moment. And if we do not wake up to it, we will not wake up from it.

Matthew Maher is the founder of the platform Truth Over Trend, as well as a pastor at Landmark Church in Ocean City, New Jersey. He is also a contributing writer at Think Eternity News.

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