- The Washington Times - Monday, April 8, 2024

It may be a presidential election year, but don’t expect to see many politicians as commencement speakers at conservative colleges and universities this year, The Washington Times reporter Sean Salai writes.

For example, then-Vice President Mike Pence spoke at Hillsdale College in 2018, but this year’s student-led choice is different: Pat Sajack, longtime “Wheel of Fortune” host who also chairs the school’s board of trustees.

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Pastor’s Easter blighted by burning Bibles

Pastor Greg Locke, who leads the Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, was shocked Easter Sunday as he walked onto the church campus in the Nashville suburb: a trailer full of Bibles had been set afire in what the FBI is probing as a “hate crime.”

Mr. Locke, who is part of a nationwide “Miracles at the Movies” event in theaters on April 23, told us the harassment won’t stop him or the church from sharing the Christian message. He said he would like to counsel the perpetrator, whom he believes has some “deep seated rebellion.”

Anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim discrimination rising in U.S.

Two out of five Americans say discrimination against Jews and Muslims in the U.S. is increasing, a Pew Research survey revealed this week.

Acts of discrimination have risen since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in October, the research showed.

Trump declares Nov. 5 ‘Christian Visibility Day’

A proclamation by President Biden designating Easter Sunday, March 31, as “Trangsender Day of Visibility” provoked a response from former President Donald Trump, The Times’ Valerie Richardson reports.

“Such total disrespect to Christians, and Nov. 5 [Election Day] is going to be called something else,” Mr. Trump said at a Green Bay, Wisconsin, campaign rally. “You know what it’s going to be called? Christian Visibility Day, when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before.”

Cut exorbitant fees, Christian broadcasters plead

The trade group for the nation’s Christian radio stations say their outlets are required to pay 18 times the royalties demanded of secular outlets such as National Public Radio, and they’ve asked the Supreme Court to step in.

The Times’ Alex Swoyer reports the National Religious Broadcasters Noncommercial Music License Committee has told the court the higher fees violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment.

Rights group says Iran’s Baha’I persecution a ‘crime against humanity’

Human Rights Watch said persecution of the Baha’I religious minority in Iran is a “crime against humanity” under international law.

The religion, which started in Iran in the 19th century, has always been a minority there, but now members are severely persecuted with jailings, the denial of educational opportunities and other measures.

Video: Secularism, doubt are ‘imploding’ world, Greear says

Pastor J.D. Greear tells Billy Hallowell about the “12 Truths And A Lie” Christians need to be aware of as the world is “imploding” from a secular, doubt-filled culture.

Actress Ashley Bratcher brings belief to ‘Finding Faith’

The story of a conflicted newspaper columnist who dispenses spiritual wisdom while facing her own crises is something actress Ashley Bratcher can appreciate. She told The Times she’s had her own faith battles and stays grounded with the knowledge that her “identity is rooted in Christ.”

In our opinion

Unity vital. Leslie Crincoli and Grant Berry believe it’s time for Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus to set aside any differences and come together. “The Church in the nations has a responsibility to fervently pray and seek reconciliation,” they write.

An antidote to Hollywood “depravity.” In a world where Hollywood stars regularly complain of being lost, confused and jaded, Mr. Hallowell writes, the Robertson family of “Duck Dynasty” fame is a welcome antidote. The brood stays true to their Christian beliefs, even willing to forgo a television contract rather than bend to a studio’s demands. That faithfulness, he notes, leads people to ask questions about why the clan is happy and peaceful.

Testimony vs. politics. Does a Christian’s personal witness – often called their testimony – matter more than their politics? That’s the challenge issued to “Ask Dr. E” columnist Everett Piper this week.

In response, Mr. Piper cautions the reader not to be “more concerned with preserving your religious reputation than you are with protecting your neighbor’s wellbeing.”

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